"Well, you tell me so much shit that I only understand half of it with the constant bickering"

"Don't do it unless it's an emergency!"

"This is an emergency! You are being so fucking LOUD I can't hear my own thoughts."

"That's a you problem"

"A me problem? You're the one who's spiraling off!"

"That's none of your business"

"It is my business if I can't concentrate because of it!"

"Not my fault you have weird psychic powers"

"Not my fault either!"

"God! You're so annoying-"

"You too, now we're even. Could you now go back to your room and stop thinking so damn loud? That, or at least tell me what all this bitching is around. Not gonna be able to not listen anyways, so at least I can give you the illusion of free choice and autonomy."

Roman scoffed but didn't move from the door. Remus could practically hear the gears turning inside her head- well, hearing their thoughts, same thing

"We both know you want to," Remus insisted, "Spill the tea, sis"

"Fuck off," Roman told void before slamming the door shut. Seconds later, a second slam was heard.

Remus sighed, opening back up its laptop. It seemed like Roman's thoughts had calmed down enough that with the usual filter and music, void could work again. It took some effort, filtering outside thoughts away; it was so natural to hear everything that Remus had to concentrate on not listening to them rather than doing so. It was all relative as to who's thoughts they belonged to... a mess Remus didn't quite understand yet. There was 1 thing that was obvious though; the people it was close to were louder, meaning that Roman in particular was the biggest of bothers. She never stopped thinking.

There it was again. A low murmur. A low murmur that wasn't loud enough for Remus to make out the words, but it was there.

The teen gave out a tired groan before shutting down his computer and trying to listen what all of this mess was about. Until now, it had done their best to tone it out, but now it was obvious this was a lost battle. Might as well hear Roman out and see if there was anything to do to fix whatever internal dilemma they had going on to hopefully get this assignment done before midnight.

This wasn't technically getting into Roman's head, just... hearing fae out, in a sense- they couldn't get mad at that. And if they did, well fuck them.

Let's see...

'god this is so hard why cant I concentrate come on roman this is just history but it doesn't make sense, god these notes are so long why why why why did you ever think this was a good idea god you're so useless why do you bother with this you shouldn't have chosen this why did I ever think this was a good idea I don't want to study this god I've failed two tests already I'm not made for this maybe I should give up what if I gave up and dropped out but then dad-'

"Fucking god," Remus covered his eyes with his hands, "This again?"

Roman had one of these at least once a week for the past several months.... Ever since classes started once again.

The twins were starting their first year of baccalaureate, high school. Which meant their classes were dictated by their future career path, and the options weren't many. Either technological, bio-sanitarian or social sciences.

Remus had obviously gone for bio-sanitarian; it was an easy choice. If void wanted to become a marine biologist, it obviously needed to study biology; perfect fit.

Roman, on the other hand- if your goal in life is to write the greatest Broadway play ever, none of these options will ever be satisfactory enough.

Which led to this. Roman wasn't exactly the best at history or philosophy, which were two of the classes she had to take. If the school offered arts, then the situation would probably be different, as Roman could thrive in that; this wasn't the case.

The inner bickering that Roman experienced had died down over the summer, but it had re-surfaced once she stared failing some exams.

Neither of the twins were great at studying, both struggled with the focus needed to do so. What differentiated Remus from Roman was that he could cheat in flawlessly, being able to read his classmates' minds during exams and call it a day. Roman didn't have this advantage. In the past, Remus helped roman cheat in exchange for favors such as an extra slice of pizza, candy or doing voids chores for it. This strategy now didn't work, as they didn't share any classes.

Honestly, Remus didn't know what to do anymore. Last time it had tried to intervene, Roman had yelled at them to get out of faer head, and void wasn't in the mood of getting yelled at again. It wasn't worth the trouble. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like Roman was shutting up this spiral of anxieties down anytime soon, meaning no peace for Remus.

There was one way to make it work though... Worth a shot.

Remus closed his eyes once more and focused on its sibling, going back the process of getting into their head. The difference was as to what to do once inside.

Offering under-the-surface thoughts was one of the hardest things Remus was able to accomplish. They saw two categories of thoughts, surface ones and under-the-surface ones. A more technical definition would be conscious and subconscious, but Remus wasn't a fan of that categorization; it was more complicated than that. Under-the-surface thoughts was something one could categorize as "in the middle"; not quite conscious, not quite subconscious. Concepts of the mind were fluid ones, and Remus was yet to accomplish any true influence to anyone's subconscious.

This wouldn't be too hard, convince Roman to go to sleep. With this technique, Remus's words were disguised as Roman's. Remus couldn't mind-control, as much as void would wish for it. Just offer opinions and ideas, and hopefully, his subject would follow his instructions.

The strategy didn't work more than half the time though. After around 5 minutes trying, Remus was already exhausted. They muttered a curse before leaving its room, going for the kitchen and grabbing a bag of extra hot takis, shoving a fistful of them into voids mouth before opening the fridge to grab a glass of milk as well.

Back in their room, Remus sat on his desk chair instead of the bed and waited, spinning around a few times, listening to the things going on in the room next wall. The noise was starting to fade down, down, down, and...

"Bingo," Remus grinned, hopping off the chair and almost falling over due to the dizziness provoked by all the spinning. It didn't care, jumping back on the bed.

What had just happened is that Remus had made Roman go take a nap. Something the telepath had found out is that people shut up when they were asleep. Dreams were subconscious; therefore, they didn't concern him. And now that Roman was asleep and their father was at work, it meant he could finally get on this lab report. 

A/N 2.0: Fun fact! Remus's and Patton's powers are actually connected, in a sense! If you've read "Traces of a dream coming by to say goodnight", you might be familiar with this "web" Remus describes (if you havent, it must be around here in da book)

These two concepts are very similar; there's a web of strings connecting everyone, but theres different types of connections. Patton can see all the types and can interpret them, in a way, while Remus can only see the ones that are related to thought. Patton can't read ppl's thoughts though, only see the connections, this is a skill unique to Remus. 

If you have any questions on my worldbuilding, feel free to ask!! 

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