Chapter 10: I'm Going to Marry Her. No Doubt About it

Start from the beginning

"Well if I did that I couldn't marry your sister and I want that way more"

I felt my heart stop for a second and heat rise to my cheeks.

"Y/n is so flustered right now," Peter said.

"Peter shut up," I said getting the last leaf out of James' hair. I stepped back and ran into Sirius who wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest. I felt his breath near my ear.

"I hope you know that's all true. I'm not lying when I say I'm going to marry you" he whispered. A smile threatened to show through the tight line I had them in and I looked away slightly. He kissed my cheek before letting me go.

"You're an ass" I mumbled.


"Because now I'm all flustered and shit"


I rolled my eyes before Remus came in.

"You took the potion right?" I asked

"Yeah," Remus said

"Good ok"

We all stepped back and all transformed. I sat watching him and waited to see if the potion would work. It has in the past but I need to know if I have to make it stronger since he's used it so much. I saw him last about a bit towards me. I quickly moved away only earning a scratch on my side. He came at me again giving me a bite on part of my arm and neck before the potion finally kicked in. He backed off instantly and moved to sit in his usual spot. Sirius looked over at me and I shook my head. He put his head down before looking back at Remus. Soon enough the full moon ended and Remus transformed back. The rest of us did too. He quickly looked over at me and my now blood-stained outfit.

"Merlin y/n I'm so sorry!" Panic prevalent in his voice.

"It's ok," I said weakly still sitting on the ground. The boys helped him up before James and Sirius rushed over to me.

"Your losing a lot of blood let's get you both to the hospital wing," James said. I nodded slowly before resting my head on Sirius's shoulder.

"I got her James. You get Remus" Sirius said. James hesitated before letting go. Sirius dipped down a bit before picking me up and holding me in his arms.

"Just stay awake ok?" He said. I nodded slowly but could feel the feeling of sleep taking over and before I could stop it my eyes closed.

Sirius pov

"Guys her eyes are closed," I said a little panicked

"Let's go then!" James said. We got up madam pomfreys and I laid her down and Peter and James helped Remus into another bed next to hers. We sat in between the two beds all sorta stuck trying to figure out who to sit next to. I looked over and y/n and felt my heart stop for a second seeing her in this pain. I should've stayed with her. I shouldn't have let her be the only one by herself. I could've been the one there not her.

"Sirius!" James said loudly snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned to look at him. "It's not your fault mate" he whispered sitting in front of me. "We all should've been more careful. You couldn't stop that from happening"

"Yeah," Remus said. "Don't blame yourself. I certainly should've been more careful"

"But you didn't know any better. You couldn't think straight" I said.

"Exactly. You didn't know it was going to happen or what to expect. Next time we all have to be a little more prepared"

"Yeah," I said softly. I looked back over at her.

"Go sit with her mate. I'm good. It's a normal check-up after a full moon. She's really hurt" Remus said. "And besides we're like not even that far apart. If something happens you'll hear"


I got up and sat on the side of her bed. I interlocked my hand in hers.


It's been a couple of hours and Remus was free to leave around half an hour ago. James Peter and Remus headed back to get some sleep. James was the last to leave. He put his hand on my shoulder before telling me that I should get some sleep. I told him I would as soon she woke up. Madame Pomfrey came out every so often. At the moment I was using a wet towel to carefully wipe the blood from her face. I saw her wince slightly as I hit a scratch.

"Sorry love" I whispered even if she wouldn't hear me.

"Sirius" she whispered

"Y/n?!" I whispered. Her eyes opened slowly. I put the towel down and cupped her cheeks lightly. She moved a hand to hold my hand lightly. I ran my thumb over her cheek softly.

"I'll go get Madame Pomfrey" I whispered before kissing her forehead.

"Ok" she whispered back.

Madame Pomfrey gave her a potion to help with the pain before walking back into her office. She said I could stay the night with her and then we can both leave in the morning.

"Want me to sleep in another bed or with you," I asked softly.

"Here with me" She mumbled


I moved into the bed and got under the covers and she moved to face me. I pressed a soft kiss to her forehead before looking into her eyes. this is the girl I am going to marry to doubt about it. 

 His Best Friend's Sister A Sirius Black X Reader.Where stories live. Discover now