Baby, Just Say Yes

Start from the beginning

"Son of a bitch!" Morgan yelled, and Alex looked up to see the other holding their broken hand.

"Morgan!?" He asked, though surprise quickly turned to anger as he glared at his ex. "What the fuck do you want?" He growled, part of him wanting to end the other right then and there.

Morgan turned a teary glare to Alex, pulling some tape from their pocket. "You fucking asshole!" they yelled, taping their pinky and ring finger together to try and set the break.

"Oh, I'm the asshole?" Alex demanded, affronted by the accusation.

"Yeah, you're the asshole!" Morgan said, facing the monster before them with anger and pain burning in their eyes. "What the fuck, Alex!? Faking your death!?"

Alex snorted, crossing his arms as he glared at the smaller person on the block in front of him. "Yeah? Why do you care?" he hissed, still bitter about the way things had ended. Morgan had had to make it convincing, after all.

"I thought you were fucking dead, that's what I care!" Morgan yelled, the effort of holding back their cries only making them angrier. "I kept trying to summon you for weeks, but nothing!"

"Ah, so you're the reason I had to stay incorporeal for so long." Alex said, having taken precautions to avoid someone trying to summon Superior.

Morgan glared at the other, landing another hard smack on the unyielding face and crying out in pain again.

Alex arched a brow as the other held their taped hand. "How many times are you planning to do that?" He asked, fully aware that this person knew their blows did nothing.

"As many times as it takes to knock some fucking sense into you!" Morgan hissed, their glare returning to the target of their rage.

The words only made the monster give a laugh. Well in that case, I won't even have to kill you. You're going to kill yourself just trying to hurt me." He said, a deep malice in his tone. His eyes darkened as he moved to approach his ex threateningly. "But maybe I'll do it anyway."

The threat sent a thrill of terror down Morgan's spine, having never been the target of the other's wrath. Still they stood their ground, rolling their eyes as they held up their damaged hand to cover the monster's lower half. "For the love of god, Alex. Put some clothes on." They ordered with a huff. "I can't take you seriously with all your bits hanging out like that."

Alex smirked, recognizing Morgan's attempt to hide their fear. "What's the matter? You don't like what you see?" he taunted, getting face to face with the other.

"Of course, I do!" Morgan snapped, forcing themselves not to retreat. "Now put some fucking clothes on!"

The words made Alex pause, flustering a bit. He was suddenly on the back foot, the way only this strange person could make him. The familiar feeling was too much, and he had to look away. Taking one step back, the monster snapped, suddenly dressed in the fancy red and black outfit he had come to prefer.

Alex slowly looked back up and the two glares locked together in silence.

Finally, Morgan spoke up. "Why did you do it, Alex?" They asked, much calmer, but still angry. "Because of me?"

"Don't flatter yourself, Morgan." Alex scoffed. "I was sick of being Superior before you ever waltzed in to fuck up my life."

The words cut to the quick. In an instant, Morgan's walls crumbled to dust, forcing them to look away to hide the pain that displaced the anger in their eyes. "I did..." They admitted, sounding utterly deflated. "I did fuck up your life, didn't I?" Sinking down, they sat on the concrete block, hugging their knees to their chest. "You have every reason to want me dead..."

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