This Love is Difficult, but It's Real

Start from the beginning

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One would think with the amount of security used to try and keep Morgan contained in their room, the Sterling family would have better locks around the rest of the house. And yet, it took only a minute to pick the simple lock and throw open the door to a lavish office. They stormed in, furious green eyes locked on the man who sat behind an ornate desk, talking on the phone.

Morgan's hands slammed down on the wood as they leveled a deadly glare at their father. "Why the fuck are you targeting them?" They demanded.

The older man didn't even flinch, only giving his son an annoyed look. "I'm on the phone, Morgan." He said, before returning to his conversation. The call went dead, and he looked back at Morgan to see them holding the phone cord.

"Answer me." The younger Sterling demanded, struggling to control their rage. "They are an innocent family just trying to live their lives, why the fuck are you doing this?"

Mr. Sterling glared at the other and let out an irritated sigh. He leaned over, opening a drawer. "I warned you to stay away from them." He said calmly, pulling out a manilla envelope and spreading its contents out on the desk.

Morgan could only stare for a moment, mouth open, as they looked it over. It was dozens of pictures of them and Alex at the fair; at the games, sharing cotton candy, riding the Farris wheel... Green eyes locked on one image that showed the rings plain as day. For a moment, Morgan felt like they might throw up.

"Clearly locking you in your room isn't enough to teach you a lesson." Mr. Sterling said, standing and slowly coming around the desk. "So I had to go after the things you care about more than your duty to this family."

"My duty to this family!?" Morgan repeated, turning to glare at their father with a newfound rage burning in their eyes. "You're ruining their lives because I won't be Chad's fucking sidekick!?" They were slowly getting louder as the anger started to boil over.

Mr. Sterling squared his shoulders, matching his son's energy. "I'm investigating a woman who I have reason to believe is one of the most nefarious supervillains in history!" He asserted.

Morgan shook their head, fists tight as they yelled at their father. "Because I care about them!"

"Because it is my duty!" The older man corrected. Green eyes locked together in an intense stare down. Neither was willing to give an inch to the other, but Morgan knew they were at a severe disadvantage. They still had one card to play though.

The teen took a deep breath, glare never wavering as they straightened to face their father head on. When they finally spoke up, their voice was eerily calm. "You're going to call your fucking dogs off of that family, right now."

Mr. Sterling rolled his eyes at the demand, finding it ridiculous. "And why would I do that, Morgan?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Because as much as you and I wish it was different, I am a Sterling." Morgan explained, deadly serious. "And I will go down in a blaze of glory and take this whole fucking house down with me."

The threat made their father tense, and Morgan braced themselves for potential violence. The hero managed to control himself, though, as he tried to call his son's bluff. "You wouldn't dare."

"Fuck around and find out." Morgan snapped, fully intent on making good on this promise. "You hurt him, and I won't rest until I see everything you and mom worked so hard for crash and burn around me." The younger Sterling knew it wouldn't be enough, though, and they took a deep breath to steel themselves. "...but, you leave him and his family the hell alone... and you win..." They said, getting a look of surprise from their father. "I'll play the part. I'll be Chad's little side kick. I'll pose for the fucking cameras and pretend to be a good son to you..."

Mr. Sterling turned his head a bit, giving the other a skeptical look, though this deal was very tempting. "And you'll stay away from that boy?"

Morgan felt their throat tighten at the question, but they didn't let an ounce of pain show on their face. "...yes..." They said, the word feeling like an ice cold knife in their heart. "Let them live their lives in peace... and I'll never see him again..."

There was a pause as the older man considered the offer. "... fine..." He said, moving back to his seat. "I'll let the Fairness Association know –"

"Ah, ah, ah." Morgan shook their head, not trusting their father for a second. "Call off the witch hunt first." They ordered, moving to plug the phone back in. "I want to see you do it. Call the state. Call the mayor. Call the chief of police. Call everyone and tell them it was a false lead and to leave that family alone."

Mr. Sterling was clearly unhappy, but he knew Morgan could be far more trouble than they were worth if they wanted to be. "Then you'll call Alex?" He asked.

Morgan slowly nodded, maintaining their glare. On the inside, though, they were dying. They knew they were betraying Alex, but they could see no other choice. If this was the only way to protect that family, Morgan would pay the price.

There was a small huff, before Mr. Sterling picked up the phone and started dialing, making the calls under his son's watchful eyes.

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