We're Dead if They Knew

Start from the beginning

"Is there a problem here, Morgan?" Alex asked, a deadly glare locked on the hero he held.

Morgan just hung their head, covering their face with a hand. "No..."

Alex didn't release Chad, even as the other struggled. "Because I can fix it real quick if there is." He threatened. The older teen briefly considered how good it might feel to just give a little yank and let what happens happen.

"Alex, stop..." Morgan said, moving to pull at the other's fingers. "Just let him go."

Reluctantly, Alex allowed his hand to be removed as Morgan stood between the two stronger heroes.

Chad rubbed his sore shoulder gently, looking at Alex, then his brother, the pieces clicking. "This is where you've been sneaking off to all the time?" He asked.

Morgan glared over their shoulder at their younger brother. "Drop it, Chad." They ordered. "It's none of your business."

"You heard what dad said." Chad growled, knowing what might happen if their father discovered this.

Morgan turned to better face the other. "And I clearly don't give a fuck." They asserted.

Chad glared and shook his head. "When he finds out –" He cried out again as his other shoulder was grabbed.

Alex was reaching over Morgan to hold Chad in another painful grip. "Do I need to make sure he doesn't find out?" He asked in a disturbingly calm voice.

The younger hero's eyes widened just slightly as they glared at the other. "Are you threatening me?"

A dark smirk crossed Alex's face. "I really thought that was obvious." He said, not looking very heroic at the moment.

"Alex that's enough." Morgan said, pushing the other back again. "Just let me handle this, please?" They didn't stop until Alex backed off, clearly unhappy as he crossed his arms. "Don't worry. I know Chad won't say anything about us to anyone." Morgan assured, confusing both of the heroes.

"Why would you think that?" Chad said, glaring down at the other. "I don't hide things from our parents."

Morgan turned to look up at their brother, crossing their arms. "Well, you see, it's very simple, Chad." they said, tilting their head to the side. "Either you back off... or I will tell father about your secret weed stash."

Alex chuckled as Chad just looked more confused. "What are you talking about? I've never done drugs."

A smirk crossed the smaller teens face at the words and Morgan shook their head. "That doesn't mean a little box might not appear under your bed one day positively overflowing with the finest grass."

Chad's eyes widened a bit as he finally caught the hint. A shiver shot through him at the thought of what his dad would do if he found something like that. "You wouldn't dare." He said, but he was clearly on edge.

Morgan shrugged theatrically. "I'm sure you're right." They said with an over dramatic sigh. "After all, there's no way I, a lowly E tier sidekick, could ever successfully plant drugs on a big bad A lister like you." It was clear they were mocking their brother.

The larger teen narrowed his eyes at the other. He didn't like this, but he backed down. "You're going to regret this, Morgan."

"Talking to you? Yeah, always." Morgan hissed before waving at the other. "Bubye now!"

Alex laughed as Chad stormed away, and he smirked down at his little partner. "That was fun to watch." He praised, making Morgan smile up at him. He nudged the other gently. "You can be quite nefarious when you want to be."

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