On a Balcony in Summer Air

Start from the beginning

Alex paused at the words. He had not known that. He didn't even realize his phone was tracking him in the first place, but he wasn't about to let this person know that. "... yes, of course, I knew that." He lied.

"You're a shit liar." Morgan noted, though they didn't look back up at the other. They were focused on a sheet of thick card stock, cutting out a few shapes using the glass blades and adding them to a larger piece.

"Yeah..." Alex was transfixed, watching the other work. He didn't understand it, but Morgan clearly had a plan. Golden eyes followed the motions as pieces were placed so precisely and fastened with thin round disks which were connected by silver lines to some sort of circuit.

Morgan seemed totally content to work in silence as they started fastening the light filament to a battery with electrical tape to create some sort of wildly unsafe contraption.

Finally, Alex broke the silence. "So why are you hiding in here anyway, and not out at the party."

The young hero quickly regretted asking when he got an angry huff from the other. "Because I want nothing to do with that stupid fucking party." Morgan grumbled, before pointing at their door with their creation, which was beginning to glow white with heat. "And also, I'm locked in here." They added, putting on some glasses and turning back to their card stock.

Alex looked at the door and paused at the sight of multiple high-quality locks, making it look more like the entry to a prison cell than a bedroom. He was stunned for a moment, before slowly turning back to Morgan. "...why?" was all he could think to say.

The faint smell of smoke and a soft sizzling sound filled the air as Morgan used their contraption as a makeshift soldering iron. They gave an uncaring shrug at the question as they worked on their circuit board. "When my father said I was going to be announced as Chad's sidekick today, I told him to eat glass." They said honestly, though that was only the beginning of that fight. No need to ruin their father's reputation with the whole truth... yet.

Alex blinked in surprise, having assumed the other would want to be a hero. Without fully thinking it through, he asked. "Oh? Did you want to be someone else's sidekick?"

Morgan took off their glasses and angry green eyes locked on the hero. "I would eat the glass myself before I became anyone's sidekick." They hissed.

The glare was enough to make Alex lean back a bit and he cleared his throat. "Oh... I see... sorry." He said, relaxing a bit when the other went back to the circuit. He couldn't help but lean in, trying to get a better look at what the other was doing. "Why are you using that instead of a soldering iron?" He asked.

Morgan didn't even look up as they finished up the circuit. "I had to get creative when Father stole my tools." They said, pushing the other back with their elbow. "Move, you're blocking the light."

Alex backed up, allowing the light from the party to shine on the other once more. "Sorry." He said, looking the strange thing over. "What are you making anyway?"

"It's a prototype for a drone." Morgan said, pulling back and carefully setting the makeshift soldering iron aside to cool. They pulled a remote control out from under the bed. A few lever presses and the paper started to move. Long, pointed legs came out from each corner of the main rectangle and they lifted it like wobbly spider legs. "It works..." Morgan breathed, and Alex looked over to see a stunning, bright grin on the other's face.

"It does!" Alex chimed, trying to share in the other's excitement as the drone awkwardly lowered itself once more. There was a moment of hesitation as he turned back towards the other. "What is it?"

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