Chapter 6-10

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Chapter 6: He's Mute?

He was still alive? Si Ling let out a self-mocking smile.

Looking around, he realized he was in a wolf's den. Not far from him, two wolf cubs were sleeping soundly. Was his savior a wolf?

He raised his brows in surprise, but soon he overthrew his previous speculation. Looking at his wounded waist and abdomen, he noted that it had been cleaned and bandaged with white cotton fabric. In addition, he was clean of blood stains. It was as if that night had never happened. Su Ling accurately guessed that the one that had saved him was a human and not a wolf.

However, who could this person be to have such medical experience to save him, a person who was on the brink of death?

Not only did this person get rid of both toxins in his body, but the wounds on his body were also recovering at an unnatural pace.

Just as he was wondering, Si Ling heard footsteps nearing the entrance of the cave. He quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

The person who had entered the cave was indeed Su Shuilian, who had finished washing her face at the creek. She had also collected some edible plants near the stream. Putting the plants in a basket; Su Shuilian crouched down near the man. Seeing that he was still not awake, Shuilian no longer bothered with him and went to wake up the two small wolf cubs. "Xiao Chún, Xiao Xue get up. We have a lot of chores to complete, ah. If you don't help out, then no meals for you, ah."

Just as she expected, as long as they heard the word 'meal,' the two puppies would jump right up, as if they were feigning sleep.

"Haha, while I prepare the food, you two should go to the creek and wash your front paws. Don't run too far ok?" Su Shuilian shook her head as she smiled at the wolf pups who were wagging their tails as they quickly ran out to the stream.

Since when did she start speaking to the wolves like this, ah? But they could understand her... Staying in the forest for so long, she was afraid that she would lose her human communication skills, so she could only talk to the wolf pups...

Shaking her head, Su Shuilian decided not to think too much about it. Humming a small tune, Su Shuilian continued to make her wild vegetable and meat soup.

Maybe after breakfast, she can get the two puppies to help her catch some of the fish in the stream. When she was at the creek, she saw many decent sized fish. There were even thumb-size prawns that occasionally surfaced. She hoped these wolf cubs were just as agile in the water as they were on land.  

Thinking of the possibilities, Su Shuilian gulped. Since she had been stuck in the forest, all she had to eat were some vegetables and animal meat. If they could add fish and shrimp to their meals, that would be wonderful, ah.

Si Ling looked at Su Shuilian's back as she was facing the other way. Si Ling was stunned. So the person who'd saved him seemed to be a girl who was unaware of worldly affairs. He then thought that maybe it was exactly because she was unaware that she had dared to save him. Thinking of his infamy, not many were unaware of his name. He was one of the top three assassins within the whole country – the most wanted man in Feng Yao Court, Si Ling.

Then, a sudden thought came to mind, causing Si Ling's cold eyes to flash with anger. Feng Qingya! I, Si Ling had always executed all the tasks without fail and never had other thoughts. But after the previous head died, due to distrust, not only did you poison me with two different toxins, you even had Si Tuo and his group come and personally kill me. With such lowly means, how long can Feng Yao Court last under your control? Only because the past head had owed a great debt to you, will I spare you this time, but there will be no more 'next time,' Feng Qingya....

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