"They might need me." Hangman came in before he had taken off. Mazy and Phoenix made eye contact with both of their faces in shock. I mean Hangman wasn't wrong there could be enemy jets out there and flying in a museum piece like that. It wasn't logical for a good dog fight against fifth gen fighters.

It wasn't long before Hangman's voice came back through the radios, "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is your savior speaking. Please fasten your seat belts, return your tray tables to their locked and upright positions and prepare for landing." The sound of Hangman's voice couldn't relieve the two girls more than ever.

"They're coming back," Mazy sniffed as she and Phoenix embraced each other In a tight hug.

"They did the impossible." Phoenix laughed.

"My dad always said it's the pilot not the jet." Mazy giggled as they pulled apart and walked towards the doors. Where they could see the runway.

The two watched in disbelief and happiness as Hangman landed followed by Mav and Rooster. As the jet skidded to a stop Mazy and Phoenix rushed out onto the runway as Mav and Rooster climbed out of the jet. Mazy gave Rooster barely enough time to remove his helmet before she flung himself onto him knocking them both onto the runway.

"I don't know if I should, hug ya, kiss ya, or slap ya!" Mazy smiled at Rooster and lightly slapped him on the chest.

"I'm so happy to see you Mazy darlin'." Rooster sat up and hugged his fiancé tight. Both of them then climbed back up from the ground.

"Nothin' for your old man?" Mav smiled walking over. Mazy hugged him.

"Don't be stupid," Mazy pulled from the hug looking at him.

"Then we wouldn't be back here," Mav chuckled as Hangman and Phoenix walked over along with the rest of the squadron.

Mazy never wanted to let go of Rooster after that moment. But she did momentarily so he could talk to the rest of them.

"Chalked yourself another kill." Rooster smiled at Hangman.

"That makes two." Hangman smiled at him.

"Mav has five. Makes him an ace." Phoenix and Mazy smiled as they walked over. Mazy and Phoenix took their turns hugging Hangman.

"Thanking you for bringing them back for me." Mazy smiled into the hug with Hangman.

"Anytime Storm." the blonde smiled and ruffled her hair.

"Captain Mitchell," Rooster called as he walked over to Mav, "Sir."

Mav took no time in embracing Rooster into a tight well needed overdue hug. Mazy had come to her senses with her father and now she was waiting for Rooster to do the same and well this was the time.

"Thank you for saving my life." Mav looked at Rooster with full seniority.

"It's what my dad would've done." Rooster smiled the two hugging again and Mav pulled in Mazy as she walked by taking her by surprise.

He felt like he had almost lost both his kids up there in the sky. He made a promise to Carole to protect her son and he made a promise to himself to protect Mazy and he felt as if he had broken it. But he had his own redemption inside.

He was proud of himself and his kids for following in both their dad's footsteps and becoming the best of the best pilots. He was sad that it didn't start great and he went so long being ignored by both but now that it counted he was able to make up with both.

When they were back on land Mazy knew it was time to come clean. It had been a couple days and Mav had been crashing in their spare bedroom as he figured out his business with Penny and sort out if he was going to instruct at Top Gun again or not.

Mazy locked her and Phoenix in the bathroom attached to the master bedroom to take a pregnancy test.Phoenix had actually brought three tests. She was more than sure that she was pregnant but she needed to be sure. Mav and Bradley went out for drinks at the Hard Deck and Mazy knew it was time.

"So what's your plan?" Phoenix looked at Mazy as she set the tests out to take.

"If I'm pregnant then I'm gonna make them lunch or maybe dinner. I don't know? I'll sit them down and tell them then. If they're negative I'll throw them out and act as if nothing had happened?" Mazy looked at Phoenix where she sat on the edge of the tub.

"Can I ask you something, Mazy?" Phoenix furrowed her eyebrows. Mazy looked up from where she was reading the instructions.

"Yeah Nat?" Mazy hummed.

"What do you hope the answer is going to be?" Nat looked at Mazy with uncertainty.

"Can I be honest with you?" Mazy walked over and sat on the edge of the bathtub next to Nat and took one of her hands.

"Yeah of course. Like I said I'll be here no matter what decision you make or whatever the results are." Nat assured her by stroking the top of Mazy's hand. Nat wanted Mazy to be happy; she knew the whole story and she was glad Mazy was coming to peace with her life.

"I hope they're positive." Mazy breathed out, "I don't know if I wanna be done flying but I know I want a baby with Bradley regardless. And maybe the decision isn't clear now but maybe it will be later? You know?" Mazy explained herself, she was so between what she wanted and she also wanted to make sure Bradley was comfortable with whatever was going to happen.

"Let's take these tests," Nat nodded and got up with Mazy and grabbed the instructions.

Mazy had taken the tests and now Mazy and Nat sat against the bathtub with a timer going till they could look at the tests. They sat in utter silence as the time seemed to move on like hours.

Mazy studied the wall of the bathroom, the bathroom was painted a light grey shade with natural light flooding in from the window next to the mirror. They had designed their home to look the perfect way they wanted it. Mazy had studied color theory in high school and liked the contrast of colors and how they were associated with moods. The timer rang, snapping Mazy out of her daze. She scrambled up at the speed she did when she was in basic training. She grabbed the tests and stared at them.

She let out a gasp and covered her mouth with her hand. "What? What?"

"I'm pregnant!" Mazy smiled and showed Phoenix.

"Oh my god...Congrats Mazy." Phoenix smiled and wrapped her in a hug, "You're going to be the best mother I know."

"And you'll be the best godmother." Mazy smiled as tears began coming from her eyes. She was so happy she couldn't contain her flood of euphoric emotions. 

Heart Of Glass -Rooster Bradshaw-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें