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ARTHUR HARROW: so, i see by the presence of khonshu's current makeshift avatar, the purposes of our meeting
must be nefarious.

KHONSHU (y/n and steven's body): you know exactly why we are here!

ARTHUR HARROW: i must admit i do not miss the sound of that voice. but speak,
old master, to the point.

KHONSHU (y/n and steven's body): do you not seek to release ammit from her tomb?!

ARTHUR HARROW: i was in the boiling isles, but if visiting a magical world of titans were a crime, the
line of sinners would be longer than the nile. khonshu has searched for ammit's tomb since he ensnared
me to his service. his visions is blinded by years of paranoia,anger,rage,depression and his...

KHONSHU (y/n and steven's body): *points at harrow* he is a deceiver!

ARTHUR HARROW: *looks at khonshu slowly* do not trust the word of a broken and depressed god.
no, khonshu is chaotic and emotional and his servant very unwell.

HATHOR: how do you mean?

ARTHUR HARROW: this is a 16 year old teenager who literally does not know his own name. he has
a wanted profile from the CIA under the name y/n spector...

Y/N SPECTOR: *in control* liar!

ARTHUR HARROW: employment records and school profile under the name steven grant.

Y/N SPECTOR: stop!

ARTHUR HARROW: i've seen him speak to himself...

Y/N SPECTOR: shut up!

ARTHUR HARROW: threaten himself as well as holding all the guilt and grief he has been through. *chuckles*
i have no idea how many personalities he must possess. the young man is clearly insane.

y/n got angry as he he sent his fist angrily towards harrow but was stopped when a white energy band on his wrist stopped
him and put his hands behind his back as he got on his knees panting tiredly. osiris was the one who prevented the attack as his hand
where in a flick like motion with white energy.

OSIRIS: we will not tolerate violence in this chamber.

y/n looked up and exhales looking so tired.

ARTHUR HARROW: it brings me no pleasure to tell you that this is a deeply troubled young man. khonshu
has made a 16 year old as his avatar who is mentally hurt and filled with guilt and grief. look at him, he's tired
because khonshu makes him work to find ammit's tomb for no reason at all and only to fill his vengeful rath onto
you enneads. khonshu has been hatful and spitful to you gods. ever since you took what he loved so dearly after the
death of his wife. he hates every single one of you since that day and you need to take action now before it's too late.

y/n was shocked of hearing khonshu had a wife and was confused at what the gods took from him he cared dearly and
felt a bit bad for the moon god.

OSIRIS: let us speak to y/n spector.

the restraints on y/n's wrists dissapeared as he go on his hands and knees  as he slowy looks up to the ennead council.

HORUS: are you unwell?

KHONSHU (in y/n's head): i'm sorry i got you into to this y/n, i really am. it's okey, just say what you have
to say. this idea of mine was a foolish one.

Y/N SPECTOR: ....i am. i am unwell. *a bit teared up* i need help. i'm a mental wreck of myself and i have made a
terrible mistake that i wish i could change that i could change everything that happened..i...i-i hurt a family, i made them
have to move to another home and i-i *tears up a bit more but wipes tears away*....stripped them of a father.

hathor looks at y/n with sympathy knowing that he is not only unwell but broken too.

Y/N SPECTOR: but that doesn't change the fact that this man is *points as arthur shakily*...

y/n looked down defeated and knew that this was a losing case and looked down on the ground.

TEFFNUT: this is a safe place for you to tell us if you feel tired by khonshu.

y/n growled as this boiled his anger and gritted his teeth as he stood up and pointed osiris shaking angrily with a
angry expression too to top it off.

Y/N SPECTOR: you wanna know something, you are all a bunch of cowards! while your avatars and you are
sitting on your asses me and khonshu have been taking down basterds and evil pieces of shits while all of you..
DID.JACK.SHIT!! so good day being killed by ammit!

y/n gave osiris the bird as he walked backwards away from ennead council and went to walking back straight and into the entrance he
came back from. y/n went through the xit and found himself where he was before and sees the wall cover itself back in stone. just then
khonshu appeared next to him and he seemed worried for his avatar as he was walking fast and buming into people as it was already still
day. khonshu walked up to y/n.

KHONSHU: y/n i know how you feel right now but..

Y/N SPECTOR: *turns around to look at khonshu* NO! khonshu you were right all along about those
assholes, and after hearing about your wife and that other thing. *chuckles a bit angry* well i can't fucking
blame you to be honet with myself!

STEVEN GRANT (in mind): y/n i know it's hard but atleast we tried. but what did you mean by that stuff you said
about being guilty about a..

Y/N SPECTOR: it doesn't matter now steven! we need to go to ammit's tomb, get their before harrow does and
make sure no one finds her again.

KHONSHU: hmm, y/n i was thinking if makng you my avatar was a bad choice after you went feral against
those coven guards. ...but after seeing you stand against the ennead council and gave them what you humans
call the bird. *puts hand on y/n's shoulder* you may not be like the other avatars back there y/n..but you are way
better then those assholes.

Y/N SPECTOR: *shocked* holy shit...i..i didn't expect you to say that heartfelt kinda stuff.

KHONSHU: well i have been around you humans for thousand of years and you could say i am
more human when it comes to uh, emotion..and--

Y/N SPECTOR: *smirks a bit* adorable cat videos?

KHONSHU: *surprised and embarrased with a hint of red on both his bone cheeks*
who the hell told you that?!

Y/N SPECTOR: steven.

KHONSHU: *groans in anger* of course that litle worm would snitch on my secret i
will make him regret it!

y/n begins to walk back to the owl house in a more good mood.

Y/N SPECTOR: sure khonshu.. sure.



BOOK 1. THE OWL HOUSE: EMBRACE THE CHAOS.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя