Chp.24 An Unkown "Green" Birth Pt.1

Start from the beginning

With Jolyne leaving the carved name on her arm sent by her mom, she then sets her focus on finding the bone here, then again, she felt a bit dizzy from the blood loss form the fight, so (YN) helps her out by holding her, wrapping his arm around her waist as Jolyne notices...

Jolyne: (Y-YN)??

(YN): You seem a bit wobbly, don't worry I got you.

Jolyne: .*blushes and looks away* ...Thank you.

(YN): No problem, just remember, I'm on your side, no matter what.

Jolyne: *Smiles* I really appreciated it.

With (Yn) and Jolyne walking upstairs, Anastasia then felt...jealous, and upset to see his "bride" he tells FF..

Anastasia: FF, could you do me a favor...and "accidentally" cause (YN) and Jolyne to trip back?

FF: Eh?? You want me to do what??

Anastasia: Like I said, I want you to make them trip, it's not what you think...well sort of. Look if you do, I'm going to catch her in my arms.

FF: ..Why???

Anastasia: The thing is...I don't like them close, (YN) is just trying to steal her from me, knowing well I said it clear it gonna help her and marry her. He doesn't even feel for what I feel towards her, I truly desire her in my embrace. So, do it now, come on.

FF: Dude, don't you think you're taking this a bit overboard??!

Anastasia: I'll tell you again, I'm going to make Jolyne my wife, and no one will stop me, not even (YN), and you're gonna help me with that.

FF: ....fine.

FF then sneaks up to Jolyne and (YN) behind, and to accidentally punch their feet and to trip backwards as Jolyne was about to fall back towards Anastasia's for (Yn), he luckily had some air recovery and did a backflip and to land perfectly and to bump away Anastasia as (YN) ends up the one catching Jolyne onto his arms...

Jolyne: W-Woah! What just happen??

(YN): I..don't know to be honest, but you okay??

Jolyne notices the way (YN) was holding her, and to gently blush and feel shy..

Jolyne: ...Nice catch.

(YN): Yea...don't mention it.

The two gently smile each other...and Anastasia to glare and be more upset, and FF to whistle and look away...

Anastasia: Why you-

Jolyne: Hey! Up there!

They all look up and to see someone spying on them, an inmate of course, and seems to be the one that has DIO's bone...

Jolyne: That punks been spying on us the whole time, and has the bone on him!

The man try to flee, but (YN) quickly emits Fulgore as he rushes up and to swings his neon blades, slicing the man's leg off and to slap himself down...

FF: Ha! Nice one (YN)! Fucker won't get say this time!

Jolyne: Let's get him!

They all rush upstairs to the floor and to spot the man crawling up to a wall...

FF: I'll blow your head into pieces you dick!

(YN): Wait FF, don't shoot!

FF: Huh??

(YN): Look at his back, somethings wrong with it.

They notice his back suddenly causing a reaction, as his spine began to grow and to increasing his height somehow...

Jolyne Cujoh x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now