Chapter 7: Unleash

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You walk up to some shrubs between two trees. You see the tall shadow standing next to a tree across from you. The space between you two is filled with grass, shrubs, Ishin and a stranger. Ishin and a brown cloaked male are looking into each other's eyes. They are facing neither you nor him. Her hand reaches for something underneath his hood. He pulls it off as her hand gently lands on his cheek. Miniature purple orbs glow where his eyes should be. Lightning pierces the grey sky above and quick, sharp thunder made the minion jump. It clutches your shirt tighter and its ears shake. Its sharp nails lightly scratch your neck.

The fog hovers up to your torso. Opaque nails hover over Ishin's head as the creamy colored creature groans when he touches her somewhat clear hair strands. The tall shadow figure walks up to them and you duck behind the shrubs. You peer through the gaps in the bushes. A skeletal hand comes from the black fabric and rips off the arm hovering over her. You hear a dog growling and barking. The black dog jumps and bites the other arm of the creature. The dog's eyes are black marbles with glints of red reflecting off of them. The creature buckles in the fog and releases a shriek. Ishin follows him. She is in a trance. Her gaze stays on him, the creature; although he is being torn to shreds she has a tranquil expression on her face. The fog swallows them up. The temperature drops and the fog slowly clears up. You see the master of the sirens headless body hanging from a nearby tree branch. The sirens are scattered all over the grass floor in a permanent, peaceful slumber with a normal look on their still faces. The creature holds Ishin's attention and shoots in the sky with her. An invisible force takes them up like a launched missile. Snowflakes fall and the minion squirms out of your arms. It breaks free from your hold and runs to the shadow figure. The dog is gone. It just disappeared. You run after the minion. It passes the tall shadow figure. "Hey, come back here!" You yell.

You feel a wind gust shoot you straight up into the sky. Purple beams seem to surround you every time you blink. Then you find yourself standing before a white tower with a crystal point at its top. The wind howls and there is no sign of civilization around the tower. The sky is purple and black. Snow falls and adds on to the thick layers of ice up here. You run around the perimeter of it but you cannot find the entrance or an opening at the base of this tower. You shiver and rub your arms. You touch the wall hoping some secret door will open. It is cold and nothing happens. You stop and lean your head on the white wall. A horse neighs behind you and a warm, moist breath strokes your neck. You turn around. A black Clydesdale stares at you. You look up to see the rider. It is the tall, shadow male. He sits comfortably on the horse. He releases the reins and hops off of the horse's back. The black, silver studded reins jingle as the horse shakes its head. Boom! Crack! Crackle! Crackle!

The shadow broke the tower's wall behind you. How did he do that? He stomps inside. Rubble and snow settle on the shiny, marble floor. He walks up the winding staircase. You look at the stark, white surroundings. You run back and forth. Where is the kitchen? Where is the bathroom? Boom! Boom! You run up the stairs to the source of the sound. You find the shadow holding the creamy toned creature by his neck with a skeletal hand. The creature turns into an ethereal, purple eyed male being while held by his neck over the tower's highest floor. The wall around that area has a jagged lining. He dangles over the edge but fear is absent in his eyes. His pointy somewhat small ears wiggle in the howling wind. His white hair blows wildly on his head while simultaneously whipping his face.

His dry lips slowly curl at one end. The skeletal hand holding him releases him. You see a hint of something behind him just before he falls. It looked like he had huge, fairy-like snow wings. The shadow takes long strides to the white, bunched comforter on the circular, king- sized bed. He peels the covers off a faint, rainbow colored individual. He shakes her. She stands up on the bed. Her translucent brown eyes sweep across the room and lands on you. He gets on the bed and his dark hood tilts over her shoulder. She steps in your direction. He pulls her back and spins her until she is facing him. Curvy, sharp bones rise from his spine and push his dark robe on the bed. His whole body is covered in obsidian, black matter except his arms. The massive sharp bones from is back and the fine tips of his skeletal fingers make him look like the skeleton of something. He positions his self to attack. Then he pins her to the headboard with the protruding bones from his back. The headboard cannot withstand the force much longer. He closes the distance between their forms and breaks holes into the headboard. The obsidian matter on him shines like a stone. Their lips met and their intense kiss pulls their spiritual essences out of their mouths. A big, black orb fights a light, blue orb. They spin between their open mouths until they quit the battle and the essences settle back in the bodies they came from. He digs his right hand into her mid-torso and a still dark piece of matter comes out in his hand. He stretches the side of his torso and places the matter in his chest cavity.

The obsidian matter covered his shaking hair. The black matter starts to melt like plasma goo in your hands. It consumes the room with you in it. It covers the gaping hole in the wall. All light is gone. In a blink, you are back in the manor. Stone copies of the black gloved shadow and his lover is scattered all over the manor. Lumps crawl along the wall under the light paint. Crackle! Crackle! The stone pieces fade into grey dust. The building begins to sway. You run out of the room to the stairwell. It wobbles and falls to black mush. Panic runs through you like a river. Your eyes burn and tear up as it surges through you. You rub them and black goo smudges your palms. Now, your eyes are swollen.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Tick! Thump! You are dizzy. You regurgitate a black powder and the hairs on your body stand up. Each goose bump you touch seems to twitch. The moving lumps in your surroundings have made you paranoid. You feel something slither under your skin. Thump!Am I really paranoid? Where is that noise coming from?Thump! Everything is black...pushing forward. You crawl forward hoping to find something familiar. Thump! You feel a smooth surface under your palms. You feel yourself drop for a second and land on another smooth flat surface. Tick! You stop moving.What is this sound?Your knee hits the floor. Thump! I am on a floor but there is space underneath the floor. The sound tells me that." 'Tis best if you forget. You're caught in a net. When you reset, a curse is what you will not get." You hear the minion's voice echo through the room. "What exactly am I supposed to forget? How do I forget? How?" You ask.

" 'Tis not difficult to forget witnessing an overseer in love once you see their horrid reign from above. Acid and decay all around the dove."

You scream out of frustration. "Help me! Help me forget what I need to forget!" You exclaim frantically.

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