macaron cookie a-z

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Affection: she'll be very clingy making sure you stay near her so she'll commonly have her hand on your back or she'll make you hold her hand.

Blood: she'll won't spill blood unless the person severely hurts you or kills you.

Cruelty: she won't hurt you in any way.

Darlings?: this is the only thing she'll try and stop you doing as she doesn't want anyone to take you away from her.

Exposed: as she doesn't do anything to overly suspicious she'll just gaslight you that she isn't yandere for you.

Fight: she'll be sad but she'll give you your space to calm down.

Game: no she doesn't view y/n as a toy for her to play with

Hell: bruh all she'll do is like yell.

Ideals: she'll love for you two to live together and you joining her parade.

Jealousy: she does get a little jealous but she doesn't take her anger on you.

Mask: she doesn't act too different with you so others just think she cares about you.

Naughty: I can't see her punishing you.

Oppression: she'll never take away your rights.

Patience: infinite

Quit: If you die she'll be destroyed and it won't be long until she joins you. If you escape however she'll somewhat try and find you but she won't push too much.

Tears: she'll feel terrible about hurting you, so she'll back off.

Unique: she's much more soft

Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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