No slipping!

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Vox whined softly as he clutched his stomach, trying his ultimate best not to disturb the rest of his friends.

He buried his face in the pillow before pulling it back out, not able to breathe. He groaned, "Shoto.." He whispered under his breathe.

He was desperate for his boyfriend's comfort, but unfortunately Shoto had to go back home for a while because of family needs.

Vox knew he needed to regress but refused, He wasn't going to regress when any of his friends could come in on him.

He whispered for Shoto a few more times as if it would cause his caregiver to pop out of the blue.

"POOOOOGGGGGGGGGG" Luca's voice was heard from his room, Vox let out a soft chuckle at Luca's behavior before taking a deep breathe in of pain.

He whined some more before panting a few times and attempting to stand up. He managed after what felt like forever, he made his way to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water before slowly walking back to his room.

He shut the door and opened the water bottle and began to take a few sips before coughing as the water went down his wind-pipe. He kicked away the thick covers on the bed and tried his best to cool down.

After a few moments, he turned on the ceiling fan and sighed as he was cooled down but still was in pain. He decided to try to ingore it and watch some T.V.

He flipped through a few channels before subconsciously stopping at the Nick Jr's. Channel and began to watch Blues Clues.

He began to slip slowing, the pain in his stomach went away slowly as he leaned over his bed and pulled out a small red box from underneath his bed.

He opened it up and took out the small red pacifier he had in there and put it in his mouth, he closed it and pushed it underneath the bed again before rolling over in the bed and grabbing his stuffed bear that Shoto had given him. He giggled and buried his face into the plush, he sighed as he smelled the familiar scent of Shoto on it.

He rolled back over with pacifier in mouth and teddy bear in his arms, he continued to watch T.V.

He giggled as he watched Bubble Guppies come on. He softly sang the theme song before turning his head to the sound of his door opening.

"Hey Vox? We're about to order some Chinese food, what do you want-" Ike began to say, looking down on his phone before looking back up and freezing at the sight of Vox.

Vox could feel the tears prickle at the corner of his eyes as he began to cry.

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