{Chapter 2}

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The minute I finished my homework I texted Niall: Hey, it's Kate(: seconds later I got a reply: hey! How are you?xx We talked for a while, and by nine I was having trouble staying awake. We said goodnight and I went to sleep smiling.

The next day I woke up and got ready. I can't stop thinking about Niall. Everything about him... He's so perfect. How can he like me? As I'm getting ready for school, I look in the mirror. I'm so average. Average brown wavy hair, average size boobs, average average average. The only "special" thing about me is my green eyes. But they're nothing compared to Niall's sparkling blue ones. I sighed. I walk to school and find Niall standing by my locker. His face lights up when he sees me. "Hey Kate!" He says. "Hi Niall!" We talk while I get my books for my first class. "I'll see you at lunch!" Niall says, smiling. I get to math class and sit next to my best friend, Emma. I love this class because our teacher is really laid back and usually just gives us something to work on while she reads a book, letting us do basically what ever we want for the whole class. "So I saw Niall at your locker..." She said. "Spill." And I do. I tell her everything that's happened since yesterday in science. "Oh my gosh! He likes you!!" She said once I had finished. "I know! I want to tell him that I like him back but..." "But what? You already know he likes you!" She said. She has a point... "I'm just really nervous." I said. "Don't be. Just tell him!" Okay. Maybe I'll tell him today after school...on the walk home? Yeah. That will be perfect... I can't wait! The bell rings and we head to lunch. Niall and his friends sit at the table directly behind the one me and my friends sit at.

I sat down next to Emma and across from my friend Megan, but make sure I can still see Niall behind her. He sees me and smile. I quickly look away to hide my blush... Oh my god, I'm such a dork! The whole lunch period I thought about Niall. We made eye contact a few times but both immediately looked away, blushing. Emma noticed this. "You know, you two would actually make a cute couple." She said. "Really? You think so?" I asked. "Yeah... But you need to talk to him. I thought you were going to tell him how you feel?" "I will.. When he walks me home today." I said. She nods. "That's so cute!" We both smile. I can't wait for science, the only class I have with Niall.... (:

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