ISSUE 5: Lightning in a Bottle!

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"What will it take to put this all behind us?" Harry sighed.

"...I want to know if you really do trust me," Scarlet Spider stated which made Harry had to think about it. "Tell me the truth dammit."

"Peter, I..." Harry was soon interrupted to the sound of fighter jets that were flying too close to the building and zoomed past the duo as the jets were flying into the city.

"Is there a parade going on in town?" Peter curiously asked.

"That's no parade..." Harry replied as his face turned pale.


Colonel John Jonah Jameson III was in his standard uniform on a plane that was flying thirty thousand feet in the air having an important conversation with President Nick Fury Sr. on call through two-way monitors. One of the stewardesses gave him a glass of seltzer water and he politely thanked the woman who giggled in appreciation.

"I'm sure that you are already aware of the team that SHIELD is putting together?" Nick Fury inquired on the screen.

"Director Castle has already informed me of this "Secret Warriors" project, Mr. President," John responded as he was going over potential candidates on the table.

"And you were chosen to be its team leader," Nick said.

"With all do respect, sir. Do we really need the likes of Robbie Baldwin and..." John squinted his eyes at the portfolio and snorted. "Squirrel Girl?"

"Every little bit helps, Colonel. Mr. Baldwin is a local celebrity and a national treasure up in Connecticut. Don't judge a book by its cover when it comes to Ms. Green," Nick advised the astronaut.

"I'll keep that in mind. Is all this really necessary, Mr. President? Aren't the Avengers technically the de facto superteam for the country?" John questioned.

"The Avengers are loose cannons. Despite the fact that Captain America is on the team, it doesn't fill the American public with much confidence especially with that damn Asgardian in their ranks. I already have both Kelly and Gyrich breathing down my neck as it is," Nick answered.

"Are people that afraid of Loki?" John asked.

"Truthfully, Loki doesn't bother me. It's the Latverian that is whispering into Cap's ear," Nick continued.

"So the purpose of this team is to make sure that the Avengers won't step out of line," John concluded.

"Bingo," Nick said.

"I don't think that I'm cut out for being leadership material, Sir," John said as he had some self-doubt issues about being in charge of this new team but Nick blankly looked at him.

"Tell me you're joking," Nick stated.

"I'm saying that this is a whole different ballgame for me," John rubbed the back of his neck.

"I've seen you take charge with your crew members for landing the shuttle that you were in one time before you got your powers. You're one of our last line of defense against threats from Earth and Space. Are you ready to step up to the plate?" Nick narrowed his eyes at the Colonel.

"Ready and willing," John accepted the position as who would say no to this once and a lifetime opportunity from the Commander in Chief.

"Good," Fury was satisfied with the astronaut's answer. "While you're in New York, see if you can recruit Spider-Man or other supers in the area into the fold."

"What if he doesn't want to join?" John asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Then at least you tried," Nick shrugged his shoulders. "I may have to cut this conversation short. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment with Vice-President Dugan out on the golf course. Until next time, Colonel."

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