Chapter 1

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Maddie's pov

Electric guitar riffs start to play

Alex starts to introduce the song "one, two, three"

" Take off, last stop countdown till we blast open the top, face first full charge, electric hammer to the heart. Clocks move faster cause its all we are after now oh. Won't stop climbing cause this is our time, yeah when all the days felt black and white those were the best shades of my life. Don't look down cause we are still rising up right now and even if we hit the ground we'll still fly. Keep dreaming like we'll live forever but live it like its now or never. We ain't searching for tomorrow (tomorrow) cause we got all we need today (today). Living on a feeling that's been running through our veins, we're the revolution that's been singing in the rain. Don't look down cause we're still rising up right now and even if we hit the ground we'll still fly. keep dreaming like we'll live forever but live it like its now or never. Its now or never (now or never)"

"Whoo! Excellent!" Exclaimed a waitress whilst wiping a table down with a rag.

"Sounds great, guys!" A random man shouted.

We all bowed at the whilst another girl screamed "Whoo!"

I let out a slight giggle at the fact that people were loving what we just played.

"Yeah!" called out the same waitress. We all start to laugh at how much she was enjoying listening to us play. I've always loved the thought of crowds loving what we play so hearing this waitress loving our music was like a dream come true.

"Thank you! We're Sunset Curve!" my best friend said clearly enjoying her enthusiasm.

"Tell your friends!" I added

"Too bad we wasted the tightest we've ever played on a soundcheck." Bobby said clearly not happy that we didn't have a proper audience Infront of us yet.

"Wait until tonight, man, when this place gets packed full with record execs." replied Luke

"Yeah Bobby this place is gonna be packed in a couple hours." I responded

"Alex, you were smoking" Reggie stated

"Oh no. I was just warming up. You guys were the ones on fire." Alex said clearly trying to get the attention off of him.

"Alex can you just admit you did amazing for once in your life."

"Yeah Maddie is right can you just own your awesomeness for a change." Reggie added.

" All right, I was killing it." Chuckled Alex.

"Ok, well, I'm thinking we fuel up before the show. I'm thinking street dogs." Luke stated in an excited manor.

"Omg yes! I was thinking the same thing." I said in response.

"Ooh!" Exclaimed Reggie.

"Yes" Alex added.

We all jumped off the stage then we noticed Bobby strutting towards the waitress from earlier.

"Hey, Bobby, where you going?" Luke questioned

All that Luke got in response was "I'm good."

Bobby walked straight towards the waitress whilst saying to her in a flirty tone "Vegetarian. I could never hurt an animal."

"Bobby nobody gives a shit." I say rolling my eyes at him.

"Yo you just got roasted by mads." Alex remarked whilst giving me a fist bump.

"You guys were really good." Stated the waitress clearly ignoring mine and Alex's conversation.

"Thank you." Replied me and Luke.

"I see a lot of bands. Been in a couple myself. I was really feeling it." Uttered the waitress.

"That's what we do this for. I'm Luke by the way."

"Hi, I'm Reggie."



"Maddie but you can call me mads."

"Nice meeting you guys. I'm Rose."

"That's a lovely name." I mutter quietly.

"Oh, uh... here's our demo and a T-shirt size beautiful." Reggie said whilst handing her a T-shirt with sunset curve on it and our demo.

The waitress holds the shirt up to her as if she is checking if it is going to fit on her.

"Thanks" She replies with a smile on her face. "I'll make sure not to wipe the tables down with this one."

"Oh good call. Whenever they get wet, they kinda fall apart in your hands." Alex stated.

"Yep we had to learn that the hard way." I built on what Alex said.

"Don't you guys have to go get hot dogs?" Bobby questioned.

"yeah, he had a hamburger for lunch." Luke slightly giggled.

Me, Alex, Luke and Reggie left the Orpheum through the back to not draw attention to ourselves.

A/N: Hi I think I'm going to leave it there for now. Hope you enjoyed this chapter next one should be out tomorrow. Let me know what you guys think of the story so far in the comments but for now byeeee.

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