chapter one

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"what are you listening too?" i ask jake as i pull out his airpods.
"nothing don't worry." jake mumbles as he started staring in the distance and went over.
i followed him to a yard sale where he was looking at a red haired doll.
"another doll?" i ask him.
"sorry cordelia." jake says to me as he shrugs it off.
"cordelia and jake." mrs jolly greets us as she walks up to us with a big smile, i start a conversation with her jake starts looking at the doll.
"how much?" he asks mrs jolly.
"20 bucks, you into vintage jake?" she responds.
"no retro." he says his eyes moving all around his surroundings.
"oh what's the difference." she asks him.
"about 10 bucks." jake says as she mumbles a 'fair enough' and chuckles.

i scream as jakes cat binxie runs out of his closet when i open it and jake just laughs at it.
"oh shut up." i say to him
"na" he says still smiling as i roll my eyes.
"FOR FUCKS SAKE!" jake screams about 5 minutes later after i had zoned out on Snapchat.
"what the fuck are you trying to do?" i asked him annoyed.
"rip his head off." jake reply's while trying to rip it off.
"don't think that's happening." i say to him as he grunts and grabs a pocket knife tryna cut it open and turns to me.
"i swear to-" i start but get cut off by a voice.
"hi, I'm chucky. wanna play?" chucky says.
"what the actual fuck." jake and i say at the same time as his dad, luke walks in.
"more dolls jake? i think your spending way too much time on this, couldn't hurt you to leave the house every so often you know." luke says. "maybe ask a girl to the movies." he continues.
"no im good, the work lasts forever unlike that." jake says.
"as well as student debt, it's almost impossible to make a living as an artist did you know?" luke says back to jake.
"mom did." jake says quietly.
"that wasn't a living but a lifestyle, i payed the bills." luke says in the same tone as jake. he continues, "while where on the topic that art camp isn't going to work out."
"why not?" jake says.
"it's a thousand bucks, sorry jake maybe next year." he responds and walks out of the room.
"great, now shit is coming." jake mumbles to me.
"what shit?" i ask him.
"junior and his family are coming over for dinner." jake mumbles annoyed.
"oh, want me to leave then?" i ask him.
"definitely not, my dad won't want you to stay though. see you tomorrow?" he asks me.
"sure." i say back to him and smile. as i walk out the front door down the front garden and street i turn on my playlist as it plays 'shootout (speed up) by izzamuzzic and julien marchal.' and walk around the block back home.
"cordelia!" tarkyn my twin screams as he jumps on me as i walk through the front gate to my house
"tarkyn!" i scream back as we start laughing.
"why are you here?" i ask him.
"what? can't i be in my own front garden?" he asks me acting defensive as we laugh.
"you know what i mean." i say as i roll my eyes at him as we start walking back into the house.

578 words

TOXIC, junior wheelerWhere stories live. Discover now