Being A Daughter

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Meera felt a nudge from her Papa who looking at her playfully. She huffs and glares at him.

"Why this is needed beta? I am healthy ."Her Papa told her gesturing at him, he is wearing his kurta and dhoti which she always finds not practical but whatever rolls her Papa day.

Meera's eye at the waiting line. She forcefully dragged her Papa to the hospital because in no way she is ready to lose this precious man for her hero-heroine reunion. Nope.

Her big sister can get her husband Raichand in another way.

"Papa, having a full body check is good for everyone. Besides money is always not for preparing dowry for us three sisters. It's for health too."Meera told him in a serious tone.

Her Papa's eyes soften watching her but she didn't notice, her body was tense with the scene from the movie she watch in her previous life which becomes her new life.

"Om Sharma "soon a nurse came out to call her papa's name.

Meera immediately stood up and took her papa's hand ."Let's go."

Om Sharma signed at his daughter insistent. His youngest daughter is always a strange one. Well, his three are all strange. Anjali is all about taking over his Sweet shop and helping in retiring him. Pooja is dragging colony boys to form a gang that she thinks no one knows. And his youngest Meera is the twin of Pooja. Which was surprising for his late wife and him.

His grumpy and kind Meera helps him withwithhouseworks after him and her sisters and is doing goodness knows what on her computer. Om was surprised when three years his twelve-year-old Meera demanded Computer after not asking for anything. Om was happy even if his Meera demand put a dent in his budget. Then Meera surprises him again by playing in the stock market and managing household money with him. Om refuses her money but Meera was stubborn. She got behind his back with Pooja and put the money in his bank account roping Anjali to help too.

Now Om Sharma has money to come to this big hospital to have a body check-up. What a life.

Meera grinned when Her papa was sent inside for a check. She felt a big rock removed from her heart. She has been careful with her Papa's diet but still, fate is something you can't fight when your family life is pre-written. But Meera doesn't want to give up.

Her Anjali di is now age 23. Which was the timeline for when Rahul Yashwardhan Raichand will be back from his elite education.

Meera knows time is slipping past her finger just like sand. but she can't find in herself to not love her Papa, Pooja, and Anjali. They are everything to her.

And it's all about loving your family.

Anjali looks around for Bauji and Meera. Both are not at the home.

"Oi Pooja, where are Bauji and Meera ?"Anjali shouted from the hallway.

Pooja who was wiping her hair with a towel reply "Hospital didi -"

"Hai ! what happen? Is Bauji not healthy or did Meagaisomethingthingg which is allergic ?"Anjali blubbered feeling nervous and scared. Meera has allergies to many things. Bauji and She have to study some recipes which can be made for Meera.

Pooja shouted "Di stop! Both of them are good. Meera just wanted Bauji to have a full body check-up. She said 'something about its good to have checkup rather than anything springing upon us'."

Anjali smile at those words."That girl is all about Bauji and us. I never saw her doing anything for herself."

Pooja nodded "Yes Di. Meera will play if I want to, she will go to the sweet shop if you want, or moves with Bauji if he wants but otherwise she will be attached to her computer to see those zigzag lines I don't understand."

Anjali signed thinking about her sweet sister. She still was shocked when Meera started earning money from the stock market which Anjali never thought about. That money is too much. Which has Anjali and Bauji taking interest in them too. But Anjali is Khalil so she doesn't understand but Bauji started studying it after Meera tries to teach him. Sometimes she saw her Bauji buying books on stock to study.

Anjali is now determined to help with trying to make their shop have more than one branch. Meera was saying about the home delivery catering business. Which sounds good.

Pooja who saw Anjali di lost in thought shook her head. She felt sometimes incompetent against Meera and Anjali both of them helping in earning money and managing a household.

But she remembers Meera telling her one day that She, Pooja, is the spirit of their home who help them by being there for them. And Pooja suddenly realizes there has to be someone who looks after these three busybodies.

And Pooja grin because yeah everyone is doing what best they can do.


Rahul Y. Raichand landed from the helicopter smiling.

Which will start a new chapter of the Sharma family life.

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