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Andin was beyond mad. She was nearly going to go back into his office and slap his face. Yet somehow, she had managed to calm herself down and by the time Sebastian Summers walked in front of her and bid her goodbye for the day, she had her usual polite smile plastered on her face as if nothing had happened. As if he had not just insulted her by thinking that the type of guys she could date were accountants and tax advisors! In other words, he had said that she was dull enough of a person to date the most boring type of person.

"How dare he?!" said Andin as she unlocked her door and got inside. "Oh, just you wait, Sebastian Summers!" she vowed to herself as she placed her bag on the table and sat on the couch.

Her friend, Damon Matthews, was hot as a sin. Andin would have fallen for him if not for the fact that he was only interested in the same sex. Either Damon or his boyfriend Tanner would suffice. Gay men could make the very best friends for a woman and she was both glad and grateful to have them both in her life. Long before she had known that Damon was gay, back in her high school days, they had been really good friends. He was kind and supportive and he always had her back. She knew Damon would agree in accompanying her to go to Sebastian's party especially if she told him what her boss had said to her today.

Andin sagged onto the couch as she recalled what had happened. Sebastian Summers had insulted her twice. First, he'd had that appalled look on his face when she informed him that her companion was indeed a guy. Had he suspected that she only had female friends? Perhaps she was a lesbian simply because she didn't immediately fall to his feet at the mere sight of him? Outrageous! Second, his guess about her companion whether he was an accountant or a tax advisor.

Taking a deep calming breath, Andin said decidedly, "I have to find a new job!"

It was eating her up every day to have to work and put up with Sebastian Summers, constantly seeing him switching partners as if they were underwear and not human beings. Perhaps she had been a little jealous. Whatever it was, it needed to stop. Especially when he was openly mocking her like he'd done so this afternoon.

Sebastian Summers would never see her as anything other than his professional secretary. No other men had drawn such physical attraction from her, not even Damon Matthews. It was not just physical things either after all, over the years she'd admired other men with great bodies, some were even better than Sebastian's. No, there was something about him that seemed to draw her in and it was driving her to near insanity.

She didn't like the person she was becoming. Sometimes she felt like she didn't really belong to herself anymore. She should move on. And move on she would. It seemed cruel to give him the resignation letter tomorrow especially only a mere two days before his birthday so she'd hand it to him on Monday after his party on Sunday.

With more determination, Andin wrote her resignation letter and signed it. She'd hand it in on Monday and put Sebastian Summers behind her. She'd finally move on from all of this.

* * * * * * *

Two days later,

Thankfully Damon had been at home when she walked out of her flat and took two strides to get to his door. "Andin mia Bella!" greeted Damon as he blew a kiss directly to her. Her best friend had been using that nickname since a long time ago even though back when they were still in school, Andin had an oversized body at that time and didn't feel beautiful. "Are you ready?"

Andin had called Damon two nights ago, informing him about her plan. Luckily he was free for the weekend and would be more than willing to put Sebastian in shame.

"I'm born ready," answered Andin with a dazzling smile.

"Let's show him who's the boss, my love!" Damon's eyes glinted with excitement.

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