Chapter 2

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She ran faster then she ever has in the woods behind the store. She had no idea where she was even going

Branches kept poking her as she ran but Tanya didn't care. Then suddenly she tripped over a log and the. Bottom of her leggings got stuck.

She could hear the killers footsteps as he searched for her and he sounded close by Tanya quickly pulled her leg away from the log ripping the bottom of her leggings

But she didn't care she kept running until a cabin came into her view she quickly ran to the cabin banging on the door hoping someone would

The door immediately flung open to reveal Ted as much as Tanya wanted to beat his ass for mocking her dead friend she needed his help but she couldn't mutter a word out

She was in shock and was frozen " you look like shit what happened" Ted asked all Tanya could do was was look him In the eyes

"Come in I'll make you some Hot coco and give you a blanket until you can tell me what happened" Ted said probably realizing what happened was a big deal to her and she was probably traumatized, which she was

Tanya nodded at Ted and she walked in Ted looked at tanya once again " do you need me to call the police" tanya quickly looked back at Ted and nodded a yes

" okay sit down on the couch there a blanket there" Ted said tanya nodded again and sat on the couch and wondered if the killer knew where she was and was coming to get her any moment

But before she could think about killer any longer Ted came with the coco and it smelled good and the cup felt warm not to cold and not to hot

Tanya took a sip and sat the coco Down immediately Tanya felt dizzy like time was in slow motion and she began to feel numb her muscles weaker at ever second and before she could say anything she passed out

She opened her eyes her head feeling lightheaded and still feeling dizzy her vision was still a little blurry but from what she see she was tied to a chair in what looked like

A basement after a couple seconds later she could see clearly she was in a room filled with animal bones and blood scattered on the walls with missing kid flyers from neighboring towns

But one caught her eye it was a little far away but she could tell it was mei's missing flyer

And then she knew Ted killed mei and maybe all those other kids and now he wanted to kill Tanya

But it also had Tanya thinking who killed Carl if I was being chased and I came to Ted for help she came to the conclusion that he had a partner but who ?

And know that she think's about it the killer was slim built like a woman so maybe the partner is a girl

Tanya immediately snapped of her thoughts when she heard the door slam shut she could hear footsteps coming down the stairs her breathing started getting heavier

She started shaking All over and she instantly felt cold even though it was summer

The person walked up to Tanya and was standing in front of her she could tell it was the female because of her slim body

She glared at the killer she knew she should be scared but all she could feel was pure anger they killed her friend someone who meant a lot to her

The killer looked straight at Tanya silent

"Do you remember me" the killer lets out Tanya recognized the voice but couldn't tell because of the mask

"No I don't know who the fuck you are" Tanya said quietly, but loud enough for the killer to hear her

The killer looked at Tanya still silent " let me rephrase that" the killer said as she took off her mask

It was Mei

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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