Seven Minutes to Say...

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I ran my hands through my hair, sighing once more before I headed into Becky's gaming room.

This was my time.

"Truth or dare... Damian!" Becky shouted, her finger pointed at my head.

I sighed. "Dare."

Becky gasped and looked at Emile and Ewen, then Anya.

"I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with..... Anya Chan!"

Anya gasped. That's right... She didn't know this was gonna happen.

Holy shit.

We made our way to Becky's giant closet, closing the doors and standing on either side.

"So." She rubbed her neck.

"So... Do you wanna..." I froze. When we were watching the romantic scene between Bondman and the woman he loved, it was smooth and passionate. How do you confess to a person who probably likes you back without sounding entitled?!

"I... Do like you Sy-on boy." Anya whispered. "I've liked you for years."

"The reason why I didn't give any straightforward signals was because I'm constantly being monitored, by the staff and pupils, and my dad. I didn't want people to... Y'know, go after cos of my feelings towards you. I didn't wanna be attacked and now that I look back at it, I realise how selfish that was. I should've just told you and gotten-- hmph!" She grabbed my cheeks and faced me towards her.

"I could've waited forever." I jumped, pointing at the ceiling.

"That's what Bondman said to his love at the end of last episode!" I laughed.

Anya laughed along with me, but then we stopped, staring at each other across the room between us.

I wanna close it. I wanna hold her.

"Wanna... I dunno." I backed out.

She pulled me closer to her, so that our faces were inches apart. "Bondman couldn't be with his love. You can."

"You're right." I held her wrist and kissed her hand. "I can be. If you'll let me."

She smiled, her eyes flicked from my lips to my eyes, and I abruptly ended the tension.

It was hard to breathe before, but this time I was willingly breathless.

It was a sweet first kiss, nothing special, nothing too intimate. Just a kiss.

When we pulled away, both of us were breathless.

Panting and retreating back to our seperate sides in Becky's closet.

"Be my partner?" I whispered it, and was surprised when she responded with another kiss, this one was a little more intimate.

Both of our lips moved in sync, bodies pressed tightly against each other. And god, if this wasn't heaven I don't what is.

She gasped as I pressed her against the back wall, wrapping her arms around my neck and groaning as I lowered mine towards her waist, caressing the tiny bit of skin revealed by her pajamas.

"Damian.... Yeah..."

- Becky -

"Aaand... Times up! Come out lovebirds!" I pulled open the doors to my closet, staring at the flustered couple and their position.

Damian was holding Anya Chan's hand, his head buried in her shoulder, and her hand was resting on an exposed bit of his back.

They jumped apart after a while.

"Earth to DamiAnya?" I chuckled.

Damian squinted, "What's DamiAnya?"

"Your ship name!" I said, walking out with a hop in my step, and placing myself between Ewen and Emile.

The boys leant on my shoulders. "Anything spicy happen in there?" Ewen inquired.

"You guys make out?" Emile added.

Anya Chan flushed red. "W--why don't we watch a cartoon or something Becky Chan! We don't have all night y'know..." She looked at her phone, and showed the 9:45 above the Bondman lockscreen.

I gasped. It was pretty late. "Just one more hour... Who's with me?"

-A/N-- hiyo. Next chapter is gonna get a little spicier.

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