Peter Chronicles Pt. 3

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"Almost there Lila, just a few more adjustments and such before lift off."

"You said that ten minutes ago Peter." Lila continued.

"Well, this time I mean it." 

The room went quiet momentarily before Cooper started to question Peter.

"How does this work?"

"Well, when you press the button on the controller that we worked on earlier it triggers this part I just finished working on right now to start flying. Right now we can't control where it's going, so it's important that we make this last piece correctly or else when we press the button the rocket will-"

Before Peter could finish something went zooming past his face. He looked over to Lila when he heard a 'whoops' and he saw her holding the controller with the button pressed down. He refocused his gaze on the rocket that was hitting things at random as well as knocking loads of things that were on shelves onto the floor. Before Peter could even try and catch the rocket the rocket ran straight into the wall that had his Aunt Laura's favorite flower vase on it. The rocket broke the shelf and darted towards the ground with the vase falling at the moment. Peter hurdled over the couch and caught the vase, but in the process the water that was in the vase along with the flowers were all over him and he landed on the rocket. 

At hearing all the noise all three adults in the house rushed into the room to find the outcome of the experiment. Cooper staring around with wide eyes, Lila looking guilty and putting the controller down, and Peter soaking wet cradling the vase covered in flowers laying on top of broken model rocket parts. 

"What the hell happened in here?" Laura demanded.

"So, you remember that rocket that I started when I was six?" Peter started.

With the nod that Laura gave him he continued, his voice speeding up the farther along explanation he got.

"Well, when we were looking through the attic we found it in a box. Then since we were up there for so long I asked them if they wanted to help me finish it. So, we've been in hear for the past half an hour working on it. They started getting impatient though and Lila pressed the button that initiated the flight system on the rocket and since there wasn't any control over the direction of the rocket it knocked a bunch of stuff all over the room. It ended up breaking this shelf though and I had to run over here and catch the vase, and now you're here." 

The adults all stood there a moment to absorb what Peter just said. Before any of them even started to form a response though, Peter spoke up again.

"In my defense I told you I didn't want it to break until it flew into something." 

 "Yeah when you were six! Back then you had cute points helping you out." Clint shot back taking another look over the living room.

 "I am still plenty cute, thank you very much." Peter quickly retorted before realizing what he said. "Shutting up now."

"Kid's we aren't mad at you. It's just that we have the rules on the fridge for a reason." Laura explained pointing in the direction of the kitchen.

"Oh the joys of having rules in the house because of your own stupidity." Peter grumbled under his breath.

The kid's punishment for the mess being, they had to spend the rest of the day cleaning up the living room until it was completely clean again. Then Peter was completely banned from building rockets again. He had a feeling that wouldn't stop him though if he really wanted.

-Hawkeye Jr. and Hawkeye Jr. Jr.-

Ever since Lila first saw Peter having shooting practices growing up she's wanted to as well. The only thing that got in her way was the fact that there was a rule in the house that you weren't allowed to learn how to shoot until you were 7. She's tried to get her parents to let her but no matter what argument she had they would continue to deny her. Her Auntie Nat wouldn't budge either, just saying 'rules are rules' like she didn't break rules everyday or saying 'I don't deal with the bows. Your dad's the bow guy.' Even Peter and Cooper wouldn't teach her secretly, Peter just saying that the rule was there for a reason and Cooper (him being her last-ditch effort) saying that he couldn't help in that department.

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