Peter Chronicles Pt. 3

Start from the beginning

"But Cooper said really mean things to you. He called you a smart-alec and said that you do stupid stuff." 

"Well, it's important to know that when people are upset or frustrated they say things that they don't necessarily mean. Maybe in the moment they mean it but most times you just want to upset the other person as much as you are hurt, so you say things that aren't really truly what you think. Just what they think will hurt you in that moment. It's not the nicest thing but sometimes you let your emotions do the thinking. Cooper and I have had a few of these fight days now and we both always talk it out at the end of the day." Peter explained.

"So, you both aren't really mad at each other?" Lila asked.

"Nope, I guarantee after we talk for a bit we'll be all good again." Peter reassured.

"Good, because if you guys asked who's side I was on I wouldn't be able to choose. And I don't want to lose you or Cooper." Lila sighed out.

"Woah there, Lil's! We aren't going anywhere, no need to be so dramatic." Peter chuckled.

Lila just shrugged before they went on with their day. 

Then when she passed Cooper's room earlier and heard him and Peter laughing she knew that they would be fine. As her dad always says: when there's a bump in the road just go right over it as fast as you can and keep on going, life's too short to worry about something that can pass by so quickly. That saying could also just be his excuse to drive fast over speed bumps, but Lila likes to think that he actually thought of that as a life lesson.

Knowing Clint Barton though, that probably isn't the case.

-Crash Landing-

One day when the Barton siblings were being especially energetic, Laura sent Peter and the two kids to look through their old things in the attic and find anything that they might not want anymore. So, the three were in the attic opening up boxes and sorting through things. There was also now a trash box that whatever was broken or you didn't want it anymore you would through it in the box. Cooper has gotten rid of a few toy cars, Lila has thrown out some old dolls (most of them broken), and Peter has trashed some broken action figures. They were all holding out hope for something entertaining for them to do instead of going through old junk. Then Peter found it.

"Either of you wanna be rocket scientists for the day?" Peter questioned while picking up a box and starting to walk down the steps.

The two Bartons followed Peter down to the living room and watched as he set up some different screws and similar supplies until he pulled out a model rocket. The thing is though, they both saw that it definitely wasn't from a model box because most of the pieces that the rocket was made up of was different materials. 

"Why does it look like that?" Lila questioned while pointing at the rocket.

"Because I made this myself when I first moved into this house. I was figuring out what I liked to do since Aunt Laura told me to find some hobbies and I started this. I didn't end up finishing it fully though, I need to add a few things until it'll be able to fly. So, are you two ready to become astronauts for a bit?"

The siblings cheered before eagerly doing anything that Peter asked them to do. Lila learned the different names and the differences between the different tools that Peter would need since her job was tool duty. Cooper was the handy man. Any time Peter would need something held in place he would get Cooper to hold it just right so that he could put it together. 

After half an hour though the Barton siblings started getting antsy and wanted the rocket to fly already.

"How much longer Petey. I wanna see it fly!" Lila whined while watching Peter adjust a component on the bottom of the rocket.

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