"Daddy!" Cooper didn't realize the severity of the situation and when he saw his dad he had cheered his name. 

Peter's hearing blanked the next few minutes while the news reporter continued their in-depth examination of the battle.  The video on the main part of the screen showed his mom and Uncle Clint next to each other fighting these things. They both didn't have their caring faces they would usually show around him on, instead the faces he first met them with. If them being on live television didn't mean this was serious their faces did. 

These things were unknown, Clint and Natasha would have at least mentioned these things in passing if they had known about them beforehand. 

So his mom and Uncle Clint are both fighting for their lives and have a chance at not coming home. If they made it back Peter was so going to kill them. 

The fighting continued with the reporters commentary for an hour before Stark decided to throw that nuke into the portal. Peter knew that the world council would have been the ones to send the nuke out, only because of how often his Uncle Fury would complain about them in passing. Peter didn't think he liked them very much at the moment. Not only were his mom and Uncle Clint there but hundreds if not thousands of other people were still in the city. 

Stark narrowly made it back through the portal and was caught by the "Shakespearian Construction Worker" as Peter has been calling him. The last thing cameras caught was the group meeting on a rooftop.  

The news reporter called the group the "Avengers" before explaining the damage. Peter was just glad he saw Natasha and Clint living at the end of the battle. 

Laura had turned the TV off before they all sat there in silence for a minute. Lila was content on chewing on the block she was holding while Cooper was just sitting there. Cooper didn't know what was going on but he could tell something was wrong, Peter and his mom were both silent which only happened when bad things happened. Like when his dad had done a prank on his Auntie Nat, everyone was silent until his dad and Auntie Nat hugged it out like his mom told them to. 

Laura thought of the options of what to do but Peter after a minute couldn't think of anything else, so he ran to his room that had his phone and texted his Uncle Fury.

'Is everyone okay?'

Peter went back downstairs and told Aunt Laura. She slumped on the couch and put her head in her hands.

"Peter, I know he usually text's you back but this is a serious situation. I don't think he is going to respond so don't be disappointed if-"

"He responded."

"-if he doesn't... He what now?"

"He said he is going to pick us up and bring us to the Helicarrier. He will see us in an hour."

"This man is going to get himself fired."

"No they won't, everyone is too scared of Uncle Fury to do that." Peter said matter of factly before getting his bag ready to leave.

Just like Fury said an hour later he was landing and hurrying the family onto the quinjet. After Fury had started the flight a decent way Laura began her questioning.

"How did you have the time to come her and get us? Aren't you dealing with a crisis?"

"SHIELD deals with crisis' everyday, this is a mad house."

Laura didn't say anything knowing Fury would get the hint she wanted answers.

"The council and everyone else believe I am checking in on the Avengers. I did, just not as in depth everyone believes. I figured people wanted to see their families, besides Barton and Romanoff still have debriefing and can't leave for at least three days. If I tried to keep them away from you guys then I would be asking for an assassination attempt on my life. I don't need that on top of everything else at the moment."

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