Happy Birthday Peter!

Start from the beginning

By the end Natasha multiple videos of Peter quoting the movie making the most adorable faces while doing it. Clint and Laura both asking for the video when the movie was done. After the movie they all went to the tree and Peter got very excited seeing the tree decorated, so excited in fact that he started climbing the tree to start playing with the streamers. Clint had taken longer to get outside due to the fact he had to get one of their extra folding chairs for when Fury would come. When he got to the picnic table he put the chair down then looked around not seeing Peter.

"Where'd Peter go?"

Before anyone could answer, Peter threw a chunk of the streamers right into Clint's face. Clint scrunched his face up before turning his head to Peter.

"You know what, I'll let that side. That was well played and a good shot."

Peter giggled before going back to messing around with the streamers and making patterns out of them with the adults all watching while conversing. The plan was to play a board game they had on the table but if Peter was enjoying the streamers in the tree, they would let him be.

Later when Clint had been in the house making burgers for lunch and the rest of the family had been playing Candyland, Peter and Cooper teaming up, a black official looking car rolled up in the driveway.  Peter hadn't waisted a single second to rush in the direction of the car to give Uncle Fury a hug, even though the hug ended up Peter just wrapping his arms around the man's legs while Fury patted him on the back. Natasha 100% took a picture and slid her phone back in her pocket before heading to Fury and Peter. 

Fury joined them in a round of Candyland, complaining about how he had to be the yellow character but since Peter insisted on him being yellow he dealt with it. Then they actually ate the food that Clint had made. Though all the adults knew that Fury was on a time limit since being in charge of a super secret spy agency is sort of important.

So, when Clint, Laura, and Natasha were cleaning the table up and taking Cooper inside Fury took the opportunity to say goodbye to Peter.

"I'm gonna have to leave in a minute, kid." 

"Nooo, but Uncle Fury you've barely been here."

"I'll see you soon, don't worry. Before I leave though I got you something." Fury started, "Your mom told me that you liked robots so I figured might as well get the good stuff instead of old pieces of household appliances. There's a guide if you need a reference as well." Then he pulled out a little box of parts for a robot. Peter noticed all of the pieces had the SHIELD logo on them but he was alright with it, it would make him think of Uncle Fury. 

"Thank you, Uncle Fury!" Peter sprang at Fury wrapping his arms around him as much as he could for a hug. All he got back was a pat on the back as usual, but Peter didn't mind.

As Peter watched his Uncle Fury walk away he realized what Uncle Fury said, your mom. Peter knew he thought of Natasha as a mom but he's never called her that in fear of her not wanting to be called mom and she wouldn't want him anymore. Thinking logically he knew that wasn't likely but he was scared, scared of the possibility that they just wanted him because of his powers or were just being nice right now and he would be sent away later. He's never had a family member last longer than a few years so maybe he was jinxed. 

His thoughts bounced around in his head until the woman herself came back outside to get him. She put her hand on his shoulder and asked

"Ready to go in, Peter?"

Peter for one of the first times being there didn't say anything. 

"Peter, are you okay?"

Peter being overwhelmed just went into another hug with Natasha and he started to mumble out his problem but it just came out muffled into unintelligible noises.

"Sorry, I'm gonna need you to repeat that last bit."

"UncleFuryCalledYouMyMomWhichIConsiderYouAMomToMeButIDon'tKnowIfYouWantMeToCallYouThatSoNowIDon'tKnowWhatToDo." he rushed out before burying his head into her shoulder again.

Natasha digested the information before answering.

"Well, what do you want to call me? Because I'm good with you calling me anything."


Natasha nodded her head in affirmation which causes Peter to smile slightly.

"So, I can call you mom?"

"If that's what you want to call me then I see no reason not to."

"Best. Birthday. Ever."

"You haven't even gotten your gifts yet." Natasha chuckled. Though she definitely felt happy with this new information and the new name she would have. 

Peter perked up at her sentence before he dragged her back inside. 

Peter loved every single gift he got, Clint getting him a nerf bow and arrow set ("If you want to learn how to shoot start with a safer version."), then Laura getting him a set of the original three Star Wars movies (On a hunch he'll like them), then Natasha getting him a hoodie that was blue with red sleeves and a spider emblem on the front and back with web designs throughout the whole hoodie. Peter put the hoodie on immediately despite it being over 80 degrees outside and just getting inside.

To finish the night off they watched Star Wars: A New Hope. Natasha once again mostly watching Peter during the movie and once again getting the cutest reactions. 

From the opening scenes Peter geeks out. 


Obi-Wan Kenobi shows Luke his lightsaber.

"Woah." Natasha swears there were literal stars in his eyes.

Then later during the trash compactor scene Peter honestly thought they were going to die. 

"WHAT THE FLIP! LUKE CAN'T DIE HE'S SUPPOSED TO SAVE EVERYONE! Oh, they're fine. Never mind we're all good."

Then when Obi-Wan and Darth Maul fight to the death and sees the outcome of the battle. 

"OBI-WAN! Wait a second, where is he? What the heck just happened?"

Then all the way to the end during the part where Luke is flying the ship towards the death star, Peter had a tight grip on the blanket him and Natasha were using until Luke got the shot, to which he reacted with by jumping off the couch and doing a weird celebration dance. 

"Luke won, Vader lost, Luke won, Vader lost..."

After letting Peter have a few minutes to settle down he was carried up to bed by Natasha who listened to his little babbles about lightsabers and robots and how he would make them real one day until he fell asleep. 


I know this chapter is more fluff but like I said I'm trying to establish characters. Next chapter we're adding someone else to Peter's new family and I had the idea for it when I started the whole idea. 

Also, it's midterm season so anyone that is or has taken one I hope you do/did well on it. <3

Stay healthy and I hope you have a great day!

-Sky :)

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