Zoey O'Neil

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Arleen O'Neil sat on the couch, her small Blue haired daughter sat next to her, the girl bounced happily on the couch as her mother turned on a Barbie movie.. again. Zoey looked at the screen, completely focused on the movie as it started. The brunette woman next to Zoey stood, she ruffled the child's dyed blue hair and sighed "Kiddo. Mommy needs to run to the store. You'll be good and remember the rules right? And if not they're on the fridge right, Zoey?" She asked raising eyebrow at her adopted child.

Zoeys gaze drifted from the bright scene on the television to her mother, her brown eyes bubbling with scared emotions "Yes Mommy" Zoey spoke quietly. Arleen refused to except that though "Zoey Cecilia O'Neil. Don't mumble. Speak up." She continued to glare at the girl. The blue haired girl aggressively nodded "Yes Mama. I'll be good" she said more loudly, and with that Arleen nodded, walking out the garage door and slamming it closed behind her.

Zoey slid off the couch as soon as the woman left, toddling her way into the kitchen. She grabbed a juice box off the counter and looked at the paper taped to the teal refrigerator. The clear handwriting listing her mothers rules with a blue pen.

House rules.
- Don't open the curtains
- Don't answer the door
- Never go outside
- Stay out of the attic and basement
- Don't go in the room across from Mommy's
Remember Little Zoey. Don't break the rules.

As Zoey re read the note she felt a cold air blow over her. She turned to see the tall girl with blond pigtails who was always around her. The black eyes of the older girl traced over the paper and smiled, her skin so thing it seemed like it would rip if she smiled any wider "tsk tsk Zoey.. She truly is crazy~ you could always run away before she kills you like she did Derrick"

Zoey gave the ghost a confused look "What do you mean Misty? Who's Derrick?" She didn't mean to forget her brother... she really didn't... Misty smirked "you wanna know Zoey?"

Zoey knew better but nodded, Allowing the girl in the pink rags to drag her upstairs to Arleen's bedroom door and into the room across from it. The room was painted blue, baseball posters lining the wall... the room felt frozen, things thrown on the floor as if the owner planned to clean them up later... A photo sat on the dresser, she crept closer to it and grabbed the frame.. her and an older brunette boy, blue streaks in his hair that matched hers... and then it all came back to her.

The baseball.. her broken arm.. the murder.. her mom had killed him... all because he'd accidentally hit her arm with a baseball... Her mom killed her brother.. Tears filled her eyes... She'd forgotten him.. Zoey heard the front door open and she threw down the photo, she then ran as fast as her little legs would carry her back to her own bedroom.

She grabbed a Barbie doll and some scissors and started hacking at the dolls hair, trying to make it seem like she'd been there the whole time, silent tears ran down her face and she didn't notice when she accidentally cut her hand and not her Barbie's hair, didn't notice the hot red liquid on her fingers.

Her mom came up the stairs, she walked into Zoeys room and her smile fell seeing Zoey crying, jaggedly cutting her fingers, the doll in her hands hair too short for the scissors to grasp them. Arleen snatched the scissors and the doll from Zoey and turned the child to face her "Good god Zoey. I swore that I would murder anyone who hurt you. Now I have to kill you because you did that to yourself."

Zoey tried to clamber away, but she was so small that it did no good, Arleen had her by the back of the shirt and dragged her down the stairs, and then down another set as she dragged Zoey to the basement. It reeked down here... the whole room smelt of death. Zoey realized why all too quickly what the smell was. Chunks of rotting skin and shattered bones laid in the corner of the room, flys buzzing in the air.

Arleen tossed the tiny girl onto the floor and locked the basement door. The brunette woman walked to the opposite side of the room and picked up a large piece of metal machinery.. A tree cutter downer.. no no... that's not the term... chainsaw.. it was a chainsaw...

Zoey sobbed as the loud thing turned on. Arleen came closer and closer till she could easily swing the machine at Zoeys face, the sobbing girl couldn't get away in time on her little legs. Arleen didn't stop at dead though... she mutilated the body of the girl, then calmly turned off the chainsaw.

She pulled out a sewing kit, and some blue fabric and silently started to  combine the fabric with what was left of Zoeys skin.. She'd killed a few organs and stepped on one of Zoeys eyes, so she merely replaced them with stuffing and a green, inhuman looking glass eye. When she was done her daughter laid there, a rag doll basically.

The woman pulled out a book, doing some weird spell, and Baby Zoey sat up, her eyes full of fear when they landed on her mother in-front of her. The woman smiled softly "Zoey Baby.. It's time to get you upstairs, your t-shirt is absolutely destroyed" she rushed Zoey off the floor, the girl was confused and scared but went with the woman anyway.

They went up to Zoeys room and Arleen forced her to put on a blue Daisy cropped top and white skirt with suspenders. The older woman braided the back of Zoeys hair and added some little bows before Zoey convinced her to look out the window.. the Window was open, and Arleen leaned out it to see what Zoey wanted her to see so bad. Two tiny hands pushed her out of that second story window, two eyes watching her get impailed on the fence below.

Zoey stared at the bloody mess for a moment.. before it sank in what she'd done and she slid her shoes on and ran, ran downstairs and out into the back yard.. into the woods behind her home.. No one heard from Zoey O'Neil again... And no one would..

(1093 words 😌)

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