The story is changing

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Y/n pov:

I walked along with Aether at the resistance camp.
As we walked, I stole many glances at people who were doing archery, the ones that were having sword fights and the ones using spears.

Maybe I should get a weapon too...
I can't trust that Kuni or scaramouche won't try to kill me when he sees me again.

After all, in his eyes, I've most likely betrayed him.

"Paimon thought you threw that away." Paimon asked as she looked at my vision.

"Oh... yes, it's not that bad." I answered

I cried yesterday. When I saw the burnt down house, found the vial, and realized what kind of mess I was in.

It felt good to cry, maybe that's why I've decided that the cryo vision wasn't that bad.

Since I had nothing better to do, and nowhere else to go, I decided to go to the resistance camp. They offered me a small tent here, at least it's something.

"Do you fight?" Aether asked, as he kept walking, me after him.

"Me? No, but I think I should learn how to." I answered him. He stopped and turned to me.
"I could train you, I've got good experience with fighting." He said.

"Alright, I'll take you up on that offer." I said back.

We separated ways as he and Paimon kept going, while I walked towards my tent.
It was small, but it had a bed, which was enough.

I felt deflated, I wanted to see him again. Kuni, not Scaramouche. But deep down, I knew that wasn't possible. I didn't even know who he was.

I picked up a small box from the ground and sat down in my bed.
Opening the box, I took out the vial I found yesterday and put the box back down.

My eyes scanned the vial with blue liquid.
Where have I seen this? I know I have.
It's too recognizable, but I can't put my mind on it.
It gives me a bad feeling.

Why was it so close to the house?

I sighed and fell back on my bed in exhaustion. Thinking was tiring.
I wish I could be hugged.

I groaned in annoyance and grabbed my pillow, hugging it in my arms. Things changed too fast.


I walked in the grass, looking around the island. Watatsumi island was beautiful, and relaxing.

I fell down into the grass. Taking deep breaths, I focused on breathing. I ran my arms through the grass, feeling how soft it was.

The floating bubbles around me were so calm. They were beautiful and sounded relaxing when they popped after floating for a while.

The sun looked down at me as I closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes again after 5 minutes, putting my hand out in front of my eyes to cover the sun from my vision.

I groaned as I closed my eyes and stretched out on the grass. I had been laying still for minutes without moving until now.

A smile showed on my face as I felt relaxed.
I heard chirping in the distance. Focusing on the bird, I heard it fly closer.

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora