The whole baseball game was very weird and not really comparable to a normal baseball game. After the game, Hitomi makes his way to Gojo and the Headmaster.

Hitomi: May I ask a question?

Headmaster: Of course, Hitomi.

Hitomi: May I set off again? My partner needs me.

The two seem to consider before Gojo shrugs.

Gojo: I see no reason why you shouldn't. The event is over, the Kyoto students are already on their way, so get out.

Hitomi smiles and bows slightly. She is about to leave when Gojo calls her again.

Gojo: May I ask one more question?

Hitomi: Sure.

Gojo: How strong is your partner?

Hitomi smiles at him as she thinks of Izuku.

Hitomi: He's super strong, and he won't be defeated even though he doesn't even have a quirk.

This surprises Gojo and the headmaster.

Headmaster: Really, he doesn't own a Quirk?

Hitomi: No, that's why he had a hard life, but he pulled through. I'll be on my way.

With that, Hitomi leaves the school and makes her way back to Izuku, but Gojo puts a hand on his chin with a smile.

Gojo: A boy who doesn't have a quirk and hunts demons, I wonder how long he would last against me.


It takes Hitomi an entire day to get back to Butterfly Mansion, when she opens the front door she sees Izuku making his way to his room, but the funny thing is that he's wet. But that doesn't interest her right now, she runs up to him and hugs him from behind and whispers in his ear.

Hitomi: I-zu-ku~

Izuku looks back in surprise with a smile and sees that it's Hitomi hugging him.

Izuku: Hitomi you're back, how was the event?

Hitomi: Quite interesting, a curse attacked the school but we defeated it easily, then we played baseball for a day.

Izuku looks at her confused.

Izuku: Why baseball?

Hitomi: The teacher wrote it down to annoy the principals I think. Can you explain to me why you're wet?

Izuku: My training started again yesterday.

Now it's Hitomi's turn to look at him confused.

Hitomi: That doesn't explain why you're wet.

Izuku: Well, here's what my training looks like...


First, Izuku is stretched by the butterfly triplets. It looks like Naho and Sumi would hold down and brace the boys' legs while Kiyo would pull back their torso through their arms. This aided with regaining flexibility and makes the bodies limber for training.

Next Izuku's reflexes were tested, the person who helped him was Aoi, also a Demon Slayer, she is a young girl of slightly below average height with deep blue eyes that fade to a lighter blue at the bottom, along with white pupil rectangular, straight black hair with a parted fringe, and twin-tails. She wears two blue butterfly clips to keep her twin-tails in place.

The test looks like this, Sitting at a table with cups filled with medicated water, his objective was to pick up a cup and splash Aoi, while they try do so in return. However, both challengers are allowed to block the chosen cup and prevent them from throwing it, leaving the opponent to pick up another before being hit, or block their chosen cup to then make them pick up another.

The last part involves what is essentially an enhanced game of tag, with the objective being to grab the opponent attempting to escape.

---End Flashback---

Izuku: Let's put it this way, I'm a little rusty.

Hitomi looks at him with concern.

Hitomi: Izuku, don't you think you're starting to train again a little early? You were badly injured, do the doctors really think that's okay?

Izuku hugs Hitomi.

Izuku: Don't worry, Ms. Shinobu says I'm ready to train again. I'll be careful, otherwise I'd be a very bad partner.

Hitomi: Oh Izuku.

Hitomi holds him tighter as the two hug for a few minutes.

To be continued.

Of demons and Curses (Jujutsu Kaisen x My Hero Academia X Demon Slayer)Where stories live. Discover now