Arwani, just continued to stay silent. " You know, " Anaera began, " when I was your age, I used to stay up all night if l could, just to look at the sky and sea. "

The woman, reminiscence. " I advise you not to do that. You'll age earlier and get white hair early- look at me. I'm always right. "

" You're hair isn't that white. It's just a few strands. " Arwani added, Anaera rolled her eyes. The woman have always wondered how the girl was her daughter, that came out of her womb. Her next words were sudden, " You're too gentle for your own good. "

" Gentle? I don't think I am but what's wrong with being gentle? " Arwani innocently queries.

" Nothing. But you are gentle. " She explained, " Whatever you do, even if you it's for your own good you feel guilty for it. Don't. " Arwani wasn't sure what to think of this. The girl continued to drift from her mind, she started back at the sky but her mind now disturbed by thoughts to connect the stars.

Her mother continued to sip her tea, the daughter simply staring in her cup and swishing it around into a tiny whirlpool.

Silence loom over their figures in their silent house, the only sound presence was their sipping, the waves crashing right outside and the sounds of Wira, snoring in her sleep. " Why do we always fight? "

Arwani started, but she didn't ask out of spite or snarkily because of her sudden change of attitude at this late of night but just genuinely curious. Genuinely, the eldest daughter wanted answers.

" I'm sorry. " Was all the women stated.

Arwani wasn't looking forward to hear apologies now. The girl just sighed deeply, all of her frustration flowing out coming right from her core. " Get a grip. "

Anaera smiled at her daughter's answer. She knew the girl wasn't gentle but sensitive, she could easily fracture someone's ego after she wiped her tears after getting hurt- always standing back up no matter what, it reminded her of her late husband. " You're just like me, only a little really. "

Saying so suddenly, she questioned. " Do you not like me then, because I remind you of yourself? "

" What do you think? "

" I think I'm right like you always are. I am. " Arwani finishes. Can't help but wonder if her life would be so different if she still had her dad around- learning his ways that his parents thought him.

Speaking of teaching, oddly enough her mind went back to Neteyam. Orange yellow that mirrors the sun, yet have blue skin like midnight- she thought of him. And their lessons, I should really try and start teaching him to sign.

The girl finished her tea and looked to her mother and asked, " How do I teach someone to sign? "

" Didn't you also taught your sister? " Answering back with a question.

" Progress wasn't even half way, and she ran away. " Then woman pulled a face, " Are you teaching a child? "

" No and yes. He's a year younger than me. " She visibly frown, " Then why are you worried? Why worry for a teenager?- Arwani, I did not raise you to easily bend down to pressure. Have all the things I thought not come in your head?"

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