Aye goofy man no changin my writing.


ILL CHANGE THE BLUE TO BE DARKER, so it's not as eye burning to look at.



Chapter 1: A emo kid

The void in the sky cloaked the rain, a person couldn't see it till they felt it. Businesses

all around were either closing, or opening. People walked up and down the streets in raincoats,

with assorted umbrellas of all colors. Sparrow walked down the street, glancing back and forth

at the bright lights of all the shops near, that were safe from the pouring rain. The sounds of the

rain was neither annoying nor soothing, just constant background noise. They felt their clothing

being more and more drenched in cold water, but they continued their stride forward, following

the dark street that only had few lights, to keep the area lit.

"Hey! Hey dude!" A voice from the alleyway Sparrow was passing spoke.

Sparrow rolled his eyes, and began to walk faster. Swiftly passing the alleyway, he

heard the voice begin to die out, till it was gone completely. He was slightly curios on what the

person could've wanted, but he shook the thought from his head. More than likely it was

money, or they were offering strange services that he would never pay for. Sparrow fidgeted

with the pens in his hoodie pocket, clicking the pen several times. The sound wasn't pleasant,

but for some reason he didn't stop clicking it till he made himself throw it on the road. He

watched from a dim street light as the water ran into the drain on the road, the pen followed

along with it. He knew that he wouldn't use the pen if it got to his house, it would've been just

thrown into one of the drawers, never to be seen again. But he couldn't help but have pity for

the pen, it wouldn't been flowing along the sewers, never to be seen again.

He looked over to his left, and saw a comfortable looking bench. It was illuminated by a small

light, but the light was flickering on and off. It wasn't the best option, but at least there was a

hood above to shelter from the rain. Sparrow looked around, looking for a final option, but he

saw nothing expect the bright lights of the indoors. He held his breath, he always watched

scary movies. At at time like this, he knew that in the movies a person alone like this would be

one of the first to die. He stepped back a pace, before changing his whole mind and walking

towards the bench to sit.

Sitting down, Sparrow let the exhaustion consume him, and proceeded to slide out his phone,

and scroll through the recent messages. The feeling of cold water seeping into his shirt made

him shudder, which prompted him to sit straight up. Sparrow realized that staying outside in

the potentially dangerous dark could end up being... dangerous, who knew?

Horror movies started to flood into his mind, remembering all kinds of plot twists and gory

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