Strange Introduction (CDMXEL)

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Ahhh.. New York. A city filled with a bunch of homeless people and crack addicts. Not much to that in America.

As per usual, the citizens are getting terrorized and traumatized by the sight of destruction and villainy throughout the city. Of course. No day is safe for them. However, the hero has come to atleast keep them alive from this atrocious act of evil.

Condom Man. None of the citizens know why he even chose that name. It was just so.. awful. Eitherway, he helped keep them alive so they kept their mouth shut about it.

Condom Man flew down to the ground, cracking the road in the process. Boy how much money is gonna go into that singular road. He scanned around for the terrorizing villain and spotted Electro, our main villain of this morning.

Electro dashed through the city, seemingly fighting with another villain. He was swinging his scythe at a man dressed in black wearing a gas mask. He had a gun on him but that basically did nothing. Somehow hes able to defend himself against the speedy man.

Condom Man bolted all the way to the scene, trying to somehow barge in the fight.

He slid in defense of the masked man, tanking the attack from Electro. Electro looked a bit confused, but admired the confidence. He swung right into Condom Man's hip, swaying him back. The masked man fled the scene to save his own life.

Condom Man whacked Electro with his bare fist, sending him flying inside a cafe. His back hurt from that, like, really badly. Nevertheless, he got up and boosted himself over to Condom Man, trying to get an advantage by being above him.

He blocked out the attack yet again, this time getting major scars on his wrists. He went for an uppercut to Electro's chin, sending him yet again flying into the air this time. He flew up into the sky while Condom Man jumped from the ground, planning to finish Electro off by one final blow to the head sending him down to ground.

Instead, Electro decided to split his scythe into two blades and tried cutting him into pieces. This however failed as Condom Man endured more attacks. Hes gotten it rough at this point, but he kept going. He goes with his plan and with one final blow, its done.

Electro comes flying into the ground, creating another hole in the road.

Condom Man slowly flew down, landing quite gracefully. He walked up to the beaten Electro and stared for a bit.

Electro surprise-attacked him, pinning him down to the ground and holding a blade to his neck.
"Haha! Score!" Electro yelled out.

"This isnt much of an achievement, you know.." Condom Man pointed out, bearing the pain and knife to his neck.

"Well i think it's nice to have an advantage for once."
He chuckled, smirking at Condom Man. He checked out his body in the process. Condom Man noticed this.

"It would be nice if you didn't check me out while holding a knife to my neck." He pointed out again.

"Well, you do quite have a nice ass." Electro giggled. Condom Man was flustered by this sudden comment. He.. doesnt really enjoy hero x villain tropes in comics.

"What? Are you embarrassed by this?" Electro grinned. The people by the sidewalk were just starting at the both of them chatting.

"N-no, why would i be?" Condom Man stuttered.

"Oh please, i see the red coming from your cheeks. Is that not obvious?" Electro teased. He was really enjoying this.

"Would you shut up and get this over with?" Condom Man said, agitated.

"If you say so sweetheart." He dragged the blade deeper into his neck as Condom Man tried to endure it.


Electro paused, dropping unconscious onto Condom Man. It was bit of a.. uhh.. weird pose for both of them to be in.

The masked man from earlier had a shovel in his hand, huffing and puffing.

"Sorry 'bout that. My friend can be a bit.. gay sometimes."

His voice muffled through his gas mask. He dragged Electro off of Condom Man, carrying him in a bridal style.

"Welp, i'm off now, you have fun."

He walked off as Condom Man stared at the both of them, confused. He got up, holding his arm.

What an introduction.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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