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Wednesday 5:25 pm POV:

Something mysterious happened last morning.

It was supposed to be a dreadfully quiet trip back home, but it turned hideously dramatic in a few minuets.

Xavier gave me a new phone before we left. 

So there's this stalker, obviously trying to kill me. I need to find out who he/she is before the end of next year. But I might not ever go to Nevermore again. I'm not sure, as Principle Weems is dead but she expelled me before she died. 

So. That's my next task. I hope whoever it is suffers when I find out.

Oh Enid I wish you knew...


3 days later... 8:46 pm   Enid POV:

Werewolf bootcamp's kind of torturous. I miss Wednesday. I wish she was here with me but she's not a werewolf, haha. I wonder what she's doing right now. I've wolfed out once but that doesn't mean I'm a true werewolf now. I just don't fit in. I heard Wednesday got a new phone. I wish I have her number. Omgsh wait I friended Xavier just beforeI left... I could ask him! Aaaarrrggghhh I have so many wishes and I'm sooo tired right now. I'll try tomorrow. Oh Wednesday I wish you were here...

Oh Enid...  ((Wenclair))Where stories live. Discover now