Sunlight Scripture part 2

Start from the beginning

Even if you are scared by such a sight, can we call ourselves an elite unit of Theocracy if we don't continue?

Even though he said that Nigun couldn't shake the strange feeling.

Whether it was from the cold afternoon wind or the sinister energy emanating from this village, goosebumps broke out all over his body.

'Dammit, why is Gazef taking so long to come out? Could it be that Gazef ran away after setting up the atmosphere like this?'

While Nigun pretended to be calm and pretended to be unconcerned about what his subordinates were saying, he saw a stranger.

"Captain! Someone is walking!" Before the subordinate's shout ended, everyone in the members of the Sunlight Scripture looked at the warrior who was walking towards them.

I don't think it's Gazef?

The warrior wore a pure white helmet and armor. Although his body was covered in solid colored armor, he did not look old-fashioned at all. Rather, his armor looked luxurious thanks to the finely sculpted patterns.

He seemed to have very high-quality armor, difficult to find even in the Slane Theocracy.

'What the hell is he doing?' Common sense told him that he would probably be an adventurer. However, Nigun immediately dismissed that speculation.

He didn't know if the smell of blood was coming from the warrior, but the smell of blood was strong. Even if Zurrernorn did a bloody ritual, he believed that it would be nothing compared to the smell he was feeling.

When the warrior in white approached some distance away, Nigun spoke loudly.

"Stop! If you get any closer, you will lose your life!"

The warrior stopped on the spot, but he had no sign of flinching.

"I won't talk much. We are a special force of the Slane Theocracy. Where is the warrior captain of the Kingdom? Depending on the answer, you could die today."

The warrior looked directly at Nigun and in a low voice gave an incredible answer.



I said he's dead.

"Don't be funny! If it's true, give us his body."

"What do they want their body for?".

Nigun frowned; no doubt he was being treated like an idiot.

'I don't know where this bastard came from, but he looks suicidal.'

However, there is still a 1% chance that what he said is true, so Nigun raised his patience to the limit and asked again.

"I'll ask you one last time. Where is Gazef?"


Nigun was fed up with this idiot's pranks, but if Gazef was really dead he could search for his corpse in the village later.

Nigun gestured with his chin, an angel, which one of his subordinates had summoned, charged at the unidentified warrior.

The moment the angel tried to attack, the unidentified warrior swung his arm, and the angel disappeared in an instant.

A murmur began to be heard among Nigun's subordinates, who witnessed the strange feat.

"What are you guys doing? Only one angel has disappeared. Let all the angels attack at once!"

The angels attacked at the same time, however, there was no sign of nervousness from the white armored warrior.

'He behaves like a braggart to the end.'

A group of angels surrounded the unknown warrior. When everyone in Sunlight Scripture thought they would win, the white armored warrior drew a sword that was roughly the length of his upper body and held it in both hands. Then, he turned the tip of the sword towards the ground and inserted it.

Then the heavens opened up.

"What, what! What is this!?"

It seemed as if the ground was crying. At the same time a great tremor and wind blew around the unidentified warrior.

Some of the members of the Sunlight Scripture were thrown to the ground.

The angels that were absorbed by the center of the wind were shattered and destroyed.

The unique blood smell of the village mixed, and the fear doubled, almost everyone thought they would die.

Fortunately, the wind stopped after about two minutes and the earth-shaking earthquake calmed down as if it had never been. 

it was a strong wind and an earthquake, but it seemed that everything was fine, there was no damage to the forest.

When he looked at the ground, the only thing that had cracks was the place where he and the pure white warrior were standing.

When he looked at the ground, the only thing that had cracks was the place where the white armored warrior was standing.

The white armored warrior said in a low voice "Will you do anything else? For now, I will spare their lives.

Seeing the overwhelming power of the opponent, the members of the Sunlight Scripture were being devoured by fear.

As soon as the angels were destroyed, they forgot the normal rules of engagement and were left in a state of confusion similar to that of madmen.

"Captain! Captain! What should we do now? Surrender?"

Nigun clicked his tongue as he watched his subordinates insist on surrendering like children.

On the other hand, the warrior seemed to have no intention of moving on the spot, maybe he's giving us time to choose?

'Damn, act so arrogant.' I couldn't help it, I was upset. The power of the enemy was very real.

The power of the Sunlight Scripture is not enough to defeat him no matter how many times they try.

The angel I summoned is still unharmed, but it doesn't seem like it can fight and defeat that monstrous warrior.

It is correct to retire here. However, it is so humiliating that they, who are praised as humanity's most powerful special forces, retreat before an unknown warrior.

Nigun was played with one of the crystals he held to his chest.

Gazef can be handled with my bare hands later. However, this guy can become a potential threat to humanity, he must die. Once the decision was made, his hesitation disappeared.

"What are you doing! Resummon all the angels! Build a defense wall! It's time to summon the supreme angel!"

At Nigun's shout, the members of the Sunlight Scripture, who had felt defeated a few seconds ago, felt confident in their victory.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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