School disaster

Start bij het begin

The first half of the day wasn't too bad, I got to meet peters friend ned and he was lovely, I ended up being seated next to him in one of my classes and we got along ready well, I can tell why peter was such good friends with him.

It was lunch now, so I had headed to the cafeteria and picked up my food, I didn't bother looking for a place to sit at lunch as I wanted to go to the art wing and do some sketches as that's what I love to do in my spare time.

"hey, do you know where Y/N is" peter asks ned "I think I saw her heading to the art wing" "okay thanks man". Peter starts walking towards the art wing when he sees flash entering one of the classrooms.

I was painting a canvas when I felt a presence approach me. "well hello gorgeous" flash says moving a strand of hair out my face, I immediately slap his hand away " I don't recall giving you the permission to touch me" "oh come on, you know you want me" he says getting even closer to me, at that moment I thought he was going to force a kiss on me, so before that could happen I put all my force and push him away from me "stay the fuck away from me" I shouted, I shouted that lout that the whole school could probably hear me, but I didn't care I just wanted to get out of there.

I turn around and try to get out of there as soon as possible but it was no luck, flash has grabbed my wrist and pulled me back with so much force I fell into him. "Let her go flash" a familiar voice says, "and what are you going to do penis parker, hit me with a piece of Lego" he laughs "I don't think so".

Peter just stood there not knowing what to say, "peter go I can take care of myself" I say to peter giving him reassurance "no I'm not leaving you here with him" he argue backs "you underestimate me parker", "I think you should listen to the girl, let us have some time alone" flash says with a devilish grin on his face, I had had enough of flashes bullshit, I'm not having some boy treat me like this and think it's okay, so I done the unthinkable, I turn to face flash and punch him in the face so hard that it knocked him off his feet, I watched him lie on the floor holding his face in pain and in that moment I felt no mercy, so I pulled the collar oh his shirt lifting him up just enough for me to nee him in the face, I was ready to hit him again when a strong grip grabs my arm, I spin around ready to hit the person who grabbed me but I soon realised it was peter and I snaped back into reality, "wow Y/N calm down it me" I could see the fear in his eyes and that scared me, the fact I was going to hit him like I was some killing robot, "i-I need to go" I ran off not wanting to look at peter or anyone for that matter, I could hear peter call after me but I just kept running, I had tears flushing down my face, I just had to get out off this school.

I ended up running the whole way home leaving my dads car at the school, I knew he was going to be furious, but I didn't care right now, I had bigger problems on my hands, why did I have the feeling like I was going to kill flash, if peter wasn't there to stop me, I feel like I would have.

I get into the house and was walking up the stairs when I got shouted on "what are you doing home" Steve asks "oh I didn't know anyone was home" I try to put an innocent act on so I could get away without him suspecting anything "well school isn't over" "oh come on Steve it's just this one time, please don't tell my dad" I begged "okay but this is the last time you will ever be skipping school" he shouts to me "thanks Steve you're the best" I shout back running up to mu room.

When I get to my room I crash onto my bed and let out all my emotions out and end up crying myself to sleep.

I get woken up some time later to come down for dinner, I tried to back my way out of it because I wasn't in the mood to see anyone yet but tony still made me come down because all the avengers were here for dinner too.

I take my seat at the table and a wave of relief hits me as I don't see peter anywhere, I was too ashamed to see him after what happened today.

I was sitting on my phone minding my own business when I hear his voice "hey sorry I'm late Mr stark", I look up to see peter standing staring me, I couldn't help but panic, not only did I have to face how at dinner now I quite literally have to face him, and the only available seat left is the one right across from me.

We began eating but the room was filled with silence, which was deafening, until tony broke that silence "so Y/N how was your first day at school" I choked on my food, surprised at the question he had asked, I look up at peter for a brief moment before replying "it was fine..." my voice cracked "you know what I'm not that hungry, I'm just going to go to my room" I push away from my chair and run up to my room slamming the door shut, I walk over to my balcony and place myself on the edge, I pull out my drawing pad and continue drawing the city, I hear a knock at my door but I just shout to them to come in so I don't get distracted from my drawing, I love many things in the word but drawing has to be at the top of my list, it calms me in a way, it distracts me from my thought and from what's going on in the real world around me.

Peter enters my room and Is stunned on how big it was, my room was huge, it had a queen sized bed right in the middle of my room with marble slabs surround it, I had a small cinama room inside my bed room as well as a walk in closet that would fit over 500 people in it, what can I say I like my clothes, but of cource I think my balcony it's the best part. 

*your room*

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*your room*

Peter walks over to me and places his hand on my shoulder leaning over to get a look at my drawing "wow that's amazing, I never knew you could draw", I was in my own world that I had forgotten he had come into my room if the first place, but when he said this it had startled me so much that I had slipped and fell... of my balcony ... to my death... yes I was about to die, I can't believe this is how I was going die, all because I got a fright.

But to my surprise when I had opened my eyes, I was looking up to see peters face "don't worry I got you" he says calmly, I looked down at my wrist and found some white sticky string attached to me and peter. He pulled me back up and safely got me back on the ground "thank you" I say bluntly, I could tell peter was shocked by the lack of gratitude I gave, he was probably thinking I would through my hand over him and kiss him on the cheek like every other girl you see in movies do when they get saved, but that's not me, I don't like to be saved, because if someone saves you once they you end up relying on them to save you all the time, and I only rely on myself.

"look peter I appreciate you being here but I came to my room to be alone" I say placing myself on the bed "I know I just wanted to see if you were okay, you know after today" "I don't need checked up on im not a kid" "I never said you were" he says, I don't reply, instead I just look away.

"look I know you don't want to be with anyone right now, but when I'm upset I like to watch a sad movie, so I can cry about something else, instead of the maters in hand" peter says catching me off guard, I wasn't expecting him to admit that he cries, I mean all boys cry, its only human, but for one to admit it is surprising.

"What are you implying then" I ask "that we watch a sad movie, I thought I made that obvious" he laughs, I can't help but smile, seeing peter laugh brings out a certain joy in me, he sure does have a contagious smile.

"Okay fine, but what movie do you have in mind" "I was thinking we could watch the notebook" "isn't that a tragic love story" I ask "exactly, tragic" he replies. "Okay well watch the movie, but only on one condition" I say with a mischievous grin "what" he ask with a confused look "if I don't cry during this movie, then I get to punch you in the face" I smile "why would you want to punch me in the face" "because I need to get my emotions out one way or another, so we got a deal?" "Fine, er have a deal" he groans.

We lie down on my couch and watch the movie and by the time it was finished I had mascara running down my cheeks. "See I told you, you would cry" "shut up" I say through my tears, peter just laughs at me, so I decide to punch him in the arm anyway "ouch, what was that for" he asks holding his arm "because you were laughing at me" I laugh.

We sat up talking and laughing and didn't realise how much time had passed until we ended up falling asleep.

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