"I know, right? How's life treating you?" Lia asked.

Yeji sighed, "I mean, it could be better. But you taught me to always be grateful."

Lia nodded, "I'm glad you remember me, Yeji-ah."

"Of course!"

The two sat in silence in the park bench. But it wasn't an awkward type of silence. It was a comfortable one. It was the type of silence when two best friends who hasn't seen one other in a while merely wanted to feel each other's presence.

After about thirty minutes of sitting in silence, they decided to go do something.

"Let's go get ice cream!" Yeji suggested. Lia nodded in agreement, "Ice cream sounds wonderful!"

"Let's go to that new vegan place, what's its name?"

"Oh, Yeji, you just want to go see it because you heard they have free samples," Lia teased.


Even after all these years, Lia knew Yeji like no one else.

With that, the two girls got up and began walking towards the nearby ice cream shop.

The two got their ice creams and sat down.

"So," Lia started, her lips forming a sly smile. Yeji didn't know whether or not to feel cautious. That smile seemed dangerous. "Are you seeing someone?"

There it was.

Yeji sighed as she shook her head, "No, Lia, I'm not."

Lia laughed, "Good, then come with me tonight!"

Yeji was taken aback, "Come where?"

"To a double date, silly!"

Yeji's eyes widened, "A double date?"

Lia nodded enthusiastically, "Yes! I was supposed to have a double date tonight, but my friend ditched me. Can you believe it?"

Yeji sighed; Lia was still Lia, after all. Even after all these years.

"Please? I don't want my date's friend to be a third wheel."

"Why can't you just tell them your friend was unavailable and just not go on a double date?"

"Because! I'm not good at confrontation, you know that, Yeji! Please?"

"Fine, fine, Consider this a favor, though."

"Great! See you tonight! I'll pick you up?"

Yeji sighed, "Fine."

"Yay!" Lia cheered, popping her ice cream and getting up from her seat.

Yeji got up as well, and the two went their separate ways.

That night, Lia did pick Yeji up. She was dressed beautifully, with a sequined halter top and a short, miniskirt dress. Lia looked stunning, as she was always stunning.

Yeji took one good look at her best friend and then at herself, "Lia, you make me feel like I'm going underdressed!"

"On the contrary, I think you look perfect," Lia responded. Yeji rolled her eyes, knowing that Lia was always trying to boost her ego.

"I don't! You haven't even told me where we're going!" Yeji retorted.

"To this diner downtown. It's nothing too fancy, I promise!" Lia replied.

Yeji rolled her eyes, eyeing Lia up and down before stating, "You say that as if you aren't wearing a literal party dress."

Lia laughed and threw a hand over Yeji's shoulder, "Okay, okay. You can borrow an extra dress I have in the car."


"Yeah, I'll grab it right now, you change, and then we'll go."

The dress was beautiful, with intricate beadwork and lace. It was almost like something out of an 80s movie, which made Yeji ecstatic. It had puffed sleeves and a fitted bodice, with a thin, V-neck that showed off her collarbones.

She loved it.

"You look great, Yeji! Now, let's go before we're late."


The diner was definitely fancier than what Lia had described. And that made Yeji so grateful that she insisted on wearing something better. The place was quaint and clean, with a few couples sitting around the counter and a small group of older people sitting in one of the booths. It had a bar area decorated with exquisite wine bottles and lamps, and the walls had a variety of old-fashioned paintings and photographs.

The two entered the restaurant and were greeted by a friendly, smiling woman behind the counter.

"Reservation?" The woman asked.

"Choi Soobin," Lia replied, and Yeji assumed that it was the name of her date.

"Ah, yes, we have you two at table eight. It's outside of the dining area, through that door down
there," the woman pointed, before continuing, "I'll take you there if you'd like."

Lia smiled politely at the woman, "That would be great!"

Following the woman's directions, the two made their way through the dining room and into the back. Already sat at the table were two men. One unfamiliar looking one who Yeji assumed was Lia's date, this Choi Soobin person, and another who looked awfully familiar.

As they approached the two men, Yeji squinted her eyes trying to figure out where exactly she had seen the man.

And then it clicked.

Yeonjun? Was that really the convenience store boy she met four years prior? At first, Yeji thought she was mistaken, but after seeing that oh so familiar smile, she knew she was right. This man was indeed Choi Yeonjun.

Yeji stood there frozen, her eyes not leaving the male's face. But her thoughts were then interrupted when he spoke.

"Long time no see, dead rat girl."

— chap end

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