For real this time

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Antonia hadn't planned on getting pregnant at eighteen, she didn't plan on having kids at all. It was a shock to absolutely everyone when she ended up pregnant with her childhood bestfriends baby. Toni had never been interested in guys, she'd known from a very early age that she was a lesbian. But when she turned eighteen she decided she wanted to lose her virginity, so her bestfriend, Cisco, decided to help her out.

Unfortunately Toni's plans for her life went down the drain, she was stuck in an awkward position raising a little girl with her bestfriend who was heavily involved in crime. Her parents refused to help her with the baby, saying that she made the mess herself so she had to deal with it. Though her grandparents still kept in contact with the two of them, she struggled.

Acacia was an energetic child, from the minute she could walk she was bouncing of the walls. She often let her emotions out in explosive ways that most people took as anger, but she didn't know how else to express herself. It was either that or she'd cry for hours on end and then crash, Toni thought she was just sensitive.

For the longest time Acacia couldn't pronounce her name the closest she could get to was Cash, it became the only thing she'd answer too. When she could actually pronounce Acacia she was too attached to being called cash, so the name stuck. The only person that addressed her by her real name were her great grandparents, they thought the name was too pretty not to use.

When Toni's grandparents both passed away they left her and Cash their house in the will. For a few years Toni rented it out, not feeling stable enough to live in a close-nit family home town. That was until Cash was seven, her dad had been sent to prison and it sent Toni on a bit of a spiral. Cash didn't understand that what was happening in her life weren't normal, that other kids weren't checking their mom's pulse every night and hanging out in biker bars from the age of eight.

But when Cash started to understand that her mom constantly drinking and then riding around with a kid on the back of her bike was dangerous, she spoke up about it. Toni got her life together then and the two of them moved in to her grandparents house. When Toni realized how truly damaged her and Cisco had made their little girl she actually got her help. She took her to the doctors and got her set up with a psychiatrist.

Cash was thirteen when she was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, she was given access to psychotherapy, DBT and after time put on medication. She was getting help but it weren't that simple and she still had her bad days, but she was working on it. She would have done anything to just be better and stay that way, but that was impossible.


Jenna Ortega
Acacia 'Cash' Castillo

Jenna OrtegaAsAcacia 'Cash' Castillo

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( sixteen ~ sapphic ~ virgo )

For real this time // ginny & georgiaWhere stories live. Discover now