As I looked at it, the only thing I could see was blood everywhere. The three corpses laid there as well as the bloodied knives. They looked rotten.
I gagged and put a hand in front of my mouth.

For a moment I thought I had gone insane, and maybe I had. Because after I blinked, the corpses, the blood and the knives were gone.

There was that peaceful cliff with the sunset in the background.

I sighed. How troublesome.

I turned away and walked down the hill.

Walking like this, reliving memories that felt like yesterday, it was lonely. Knowing I was alone.
You could say I had Aether, but both of us are more using each other rather than caring for each other.

Are the attachment issues coming back now? Or are they abandonment issues? Perhaps both.

Being alone was scary. Who would be there if I died? Who could visit my grave? Maybe not a single person.

I walked out of the forest and then stopped. I looked around in confusion and sadness.
Where do I go now?

I have no home, no friends, no family, nothing. What do I do now as I wait?
Where do I walk?
Who do I speak to?

It was tiresome. Living eternally. It was annoying and pitiful. Eventually everyone around me would die anyways, what point is there to make friends with mortals if I will only be heartbroken in the end?

Then, a glow caught my eye again.
Thinking it might be another vial, I turned towards it quickly. But then I only saw cryo vision, laying on a rock right next to me.

My eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.
"If you're trying to tell me I'm feeling abandoned, I don't." I crossed my arms and glared at it.
It didn't answer back. How dare it.

"I know very well what you cryo visions might represent, but I think you're completely wrong!" I snapped at it. I'm not lonely. I'm not abandoned. I don't have issues, and I don't need help.

I leaned down and picked it up. "I told you to leave me alone. I want nothing to do with you. You've ruined everything." I said and then chucked it away into the woods again.

I started walking away. I rubbed my eyes as I felt annoyed by how the day had gone by too quickly.

As I opened my eyes again, the same glow blurred my vision for a second. Now it laid flat in front of me in the path.

"No. Nu-uh." I said and stepped over it, continuing to walk.

I could practically hear it fly behind me, following me. "Stop it alright?!" I yelled at it and turned around. I grabbed it in my fist.

"I'm not lonely! I don't need anyone! I just need-" I stopped. Why did I need Kuni so badly?

Do I find him comforting?

My thoughts wandered to the times when he would hug me whenever I needed a hug. He would joke around whenever I needed a laugh. And he would protect me whenever I needed to be protected.

Perhaps I needed him as much as I wanted him to need me?

Was I doing something selfish? Maybe interrupting the story now is only for the worse.

Perhaps I should leave him alone?

This whole time, I've been hoping that he needed me to save him, but maybe he doesn't... maybe that just what I made myself think?

I opened my fist and looked down on the vision.
"I don't want to be alone..." I felt my voice getting dry. My eyes felt heavy and tears threatened to fall.

I needed him. Kuni.
I needed someone. Anyone.
I couldn't be alone. Not anymore.

My heart couldn't take any more of this, all these thoughts. I needed someone to speak to.

Unfortunately for me, there was no person fit for such a role. No one would be capable of being that close to me.
Someone I could share my pain with.
Someone who I could trust and who could trust me.
Someone I could be honest with.

Kunikuzushi was that person before.
But... is he still... my Kuni?

Would it be better if I didn't show up in his life again?
Aether is bound to fix problems anyways, maybe he'll save Kuni anyways...

Leaving for Sumeru alone... could that be another option?

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now