"I don't believe I've ever felt so sick in my life."

"It is called a hangover uncle. I'm sure you're well acquainted with them."

"Not this acquainted." He groaned, releasing her to clutch his stomach. "Water?"

Quickly, the brown eyed girl climbed to her feet and retrieved a days old pitcher of water left to waste upon a table in the corner of the room, she handed it to the man and he quickly gulped it down, spilling droplets down his jaw and upon his barely tied tunic. His head lay to rest against the edge of his bed with a dull thud and a soft groan.

"Dear niece you are too good to me... I do not even remember how we arrived back here last night."

"I practically carried you back." She told him, "I had to defend your honour from one of your whores too."

"How noble of you." He chuckled, nudging her leg with his own.

"Aegon." She swallowed her pride, "There was something which you said last night."

"Oh gods what was it? Nothing in poor taste I hope?"

Laenora stayed quite, picking at the seam of her dress until her fingers were cut, and on the edge of bleeding.

"Laenora." His voice dropped. "What is it?"

"You spoke about never treating me as an object... You heard what Aemond said didn't you? You were listening."

"I didn't mean to offend you-"

"You didn't." She cut him off, eyes upon her own fingertips. "But you were eavesdropping?"

"It wasn't my conversation to listen in on. But it was hard not to when Aemond made sure you danced so close to my chair." He chuckled "And when I saw you both last night, I will admit then I was eavesdropping."

"You told me how beautiful I'd grown." She paused, her voice as soft as a breeze. At least to Aegon.

"Oh gods did I? I mean I was being truthful but even so."

"There's nothing to be embarassed of uncle."

"I wouldn't repeat that near your betrothed, you are his object after all." He spoke bitterly of his brother.

"Do you truly believe he views me that way?"

"With Aemond? There is no way to know. However it was somewhat cruel even by his standards."

"You think so?"

"I know so... Does it bother you?"

"No." She lied, her mind on him. "Twas just rather rude."

Aegon vomited once more, still nodding along with his niece as if his sickness hardly bothered him. Which in truth, it did, but the thought of putting a wedge between Laenora and his brother was closer to the forefront of his mind.

"It was." Aegon sat up again, wiping his mouth on his shirt. "I can hardly blame him though."


"He yearned for you for so long when we were children and never received anything from it, he's obviously bitter."

He purposely fuelled her fire.

"He yearned for me?"

"In his eyes he was always going to be your king."

Laenora could feel the heat upon her cheeks and the seeds of anger planting themselves in her blackened heart. She knew exactly what Aegon was trying to do, to set her against Aemond, and still she let him. She knew she was nothing if not a fool. But her disposition against her betrothed uncle was already tainted and the drunkard only twisted it further. Object.

What happened to his kindness in the flower garden? Warning her of his own mother? Calling for her beaten and bloodied? Soothing her tears? Being her closest friend? Object. Object. Object. 

She repeated the word in her mind like a mantra, readying herself to weaponise it like a sword against her dearest uncle.

She hardly noticed the vile sound of Aegon spoiling himself once again, instead she was on her feet, already out the door, calling a swift lie to him over her shoulder. She couldn't care any longer.

"I will fetch the maesters."

"No. Please..." He reached for her, "Stay."

"You're in no condition to talk Aegon." She excused herself, scurrying away for her uncle's chambers.


"Daughter I have been meaning to speak with you since last night."

"I am busy."

Rhaenyra narrowed her eyes upon her child and snatched her arm before she could step another inch. Between returning the girl's brothers to Dragonstone and making the flight back again, she'd hardly even seen her eldest child's face since the feast, hardly been able to breath her air, let alone apologise. Her sweet love, stolen away in favour of marriage.

She needed to let her know she hadn't betrayed her, let her know she was loved, that she was still her daughter above all else.

"Not too busy for your Queen Mother... Please."

"I know why you wish to speak with me, but first know it does not matter now, I shall be wed soon. The King said it himself. I cannot change that."

"But it does matter Laenora. Please do not think that I confined you to this life because I do not love you-"

"I would never believe that. I know you love me... It hurt me to have no say in the matter, that I shall admit, but I understand the guilt Grandfather pushed upon you. I do not curse you for it."

"Yes... a guilt which I regret deeply. But tis not just that my girl."

"Then what is it?"

"If war were to ever come, your marriage to Aemond would ensure your life and ensure the future of our house. That is why I agreed. I couldn't bare the idea of losing you."

"Aemond does not want me mother. What makes you think he would ever protect me?"

"He will come to, as he once did."

"And of our house? It is his house, your house, but not mine."

"Laenora I wish not to have this conversation with you again-"

"There has never been a conversation to be had with you on the matter my queen!" Laenora snapped, regretting her tone in an instant, "I am sorry... You know I just wish to know where I came from. I am old enough now, please."

"Me. My girl, you came from me."

"But not solely you. My father, I wish to know of him, my trueborn father."

"Trust me, my sweet love, you do not. You will come to understand that soon. His house is not your house, you have always been a Velaryon, and when you marry and ascend the throne, you will do so as a Targaryen. That I swear to you."

"I shall marry Aemond." Laenora nodded, agreeing.

"I shall be a Targaryen." She wished.

I shall be his object.

"You shall."

THE 7TH MOON [Aemond Targaryen]Where stories live. Discover now