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May 6th

"Wait isn't your birthday coming up?" Xavier asked

"Yea on the 10th" is all I said

"Do you have any plans" Xavier asked

"You can say that. It's probably gonna be the same thing I do every year which is really just go out to dinner with my friends"

"Oh how's your parents?"

"Actually both of my parents passed... that's why you asked why moved here from Wakanda I said it was complicated"

"I'm so sorry"

"It ok its better now that your back in my life" I said Inna corny tone

"Aww don't go soft on my now Y/n"

"Anyways you hungry?"

"Yea kinda whatcha want"


"Bet" when we got to Chick-fil-A we ordered and then he took me home cause I was tired

"Thanks for tonight see you tomorrow"

"No problem see you tomorrow"


When I walked into my room and cut my light in I saw Riri sitting on my bed

"Shit Riri don't scare me like that" I said

"How was your date" she with an attitude

"What date"

"With Xavier, I didn't know you two were together"

"Riri wtf is you problem"

"I don't have a problem"

"Then why are you acting like that"

"It's complicated"



"Are you jealous"

"Of what?"

"Me moving on to someone else"

"Hell no why would I. When we ended things it was a mutual decision"

"Then why are you acting like this you already know I don't like boys"


"Oh I see, something is happening between you and Ace"

"N- no nothing is happening between us"

"Riri are you late?"

"Your right it is getting kinda late"

"Riri that's not what I asked are you late"

"No- fuck I don't know"

"Calm down"

"I'm- I'm pregnant" it came out as a whisper


"I'm pregnant"

"With who's baby?"

"I don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know" I said trying to keep calm

"While you were in the hospital I slept with Xavier and a week before I slept with Ace"

"Oh...Do you know what your gonna do with the baby?"

"Either abort or adoption" (in this story abortion is legal)

"I'm sorry come here" I said giving her a hug"

"Don't tell anyone because nobody else knows"

She cried all night telling me that she doesn't know what to do and talking bad about herself. That she's such a slut...etc

Unforgettable (Shuri/Yn)  (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now