Tony: Are you okay?

Happy: Yeah.

Tony: Were you heading from me or him?

Happy: I was trying to scare him.

Tony: 'Cause I can't tell!

Pepper: Are you out of your mind?

Tony: Better security.

Pepper: Get in the car right now!

Tony: I was attacked. We need better security.

Happy: Get in the car.

Tony: You're CEO. Better security measures. God, it's embarrassing. [Ivan's head moves. Tony opens the door] First vacation in two years. [And Ivan slices the door in half. Darn it Ivan, it's a Rolls, be nicer to her]

Pepper: Oh my God! [Happy reverses a bit and runs into Ivan again.]

Happy: I got him!

Tony: Hit him again. Hit him again. Football.

Happy: I got him.

Pepper: Take the case! Take it!

Tony: Give him the case!

Pepper: Stop banging the car! [Out comes the airbag and Ivan slices the car in half. He continues to slice at the car]

Tony: Calm down.

Pepper: God. God.

Tony: Give me the case! Please! Come on! [Pepper throws the case, Tony stand on it and it turns into the Iron Man Suit! A fight begins. Which involves more damage to the car and damage to the Iron Man suit. Tony rips out the Arc Reactor, shutting off Ivan's suit.]

Ivan: [Being taken away by the police] You... You lose. You lose Stark. [Justin smiles.]

"you nearly gave me a heart attack" said pepper hitting him with a cushion "you do realise this was 10 years ago? right" "yes and i hate you for it still"

[Scene change. In a prison.]

Police officer [French]: On a vérifié ses empreintes et on n'a rien trouvé, même pas son nom. ([subtitled] We ran his prints. We got nothing back, not even a name.)

Tony [French]: Où allons-nous ? ([subtitled:] Where are we going?)

Police Officer [French]: Par là. En fait on ne sait même pas s'il parle. Il a pas dit un mot depuis qu'il est arrivé, pas un son. ([subtitled:] Over there. We're not even sure he speaks English. He hasn't said a word since he got here.)

Tony [French]: Cinq minutes ([subtitled:] Five minutes.)

Police officer [French]: [opening door] (Tony [French]: Non, non s'il vous plaît tout ira bien). Five minutes. {Door is shut behind Tony.]

Tony: Pretty decent tech. Cycles per second were a little low. You could have doubled up your rotations. You focused the repulsor energy through ionised plasma channels. It's effective. Not very efficient. But it's a passable knock-off. I don't get it. A little fine tuning you could have made a solid pay check. You could have sold it to North Korea, China, Iran, or gone onto the black market. You look like you got friends in low places.

Ivan: You come from a family of thieves and butchers. And now, like all guilty men, you try to rewrite your own history. And you forget all the lives the Stark family has destroyed.

Kata Petrova | MCU x HPWhere stories live. Discover now