Depuis le début

"J." She hummed, arm stretching out before slipping beneath the thinnest of covers stretched over her legs and finding his head, fingers knotting in the blond hair. "Way to wake me up." She added in the same quiet murmur that was heavy with sleep and not completely awake yet.

"Hey, it was supposed to be a surprise." She could still feel his breath even as his head lulled to the side, resting on her thigh. "You wake up too quickly, angel."

"Maybe you just make too much noise." Evie replied, fingers twisting and his slight movements stilled for a moment. "Hm, J? Too much noise?"

"We've gotta be quiet anyway, babe." JJ's fingers were sliding beneath the hem of her underwear, teasing and for a moment she considered it. It was dangerous. Everyone was awake - or soon to be anyway - and it was much harder to get away with things in broad daylight. "Yeah? Come on, pretty girl." He hummed, pressing a kiss over her inner thigh.

The door swung open and slammed against the wall behind it.

"No Pogue-on-Pogue making." John B's voice was unwelcome and Evie let out a sigh as her head turned towards the open door. His gaze, still a little sticky with sleep, dragged over to the lump under the covers where JJ was. "God - dude, gross, not in here. Get out of there before everyone else wakes up."

"...Fuck sake." JJ mumbled. "Fine." He added, a little louder, although there was still some kind of superiority in his tone because they all knew that it had happened before and it was bound to happen again.

"I'm leaving the door open." John B informed them. "If Kie or Pope decide to go to the toilet you're both fucked, so think about that."

And Evie did, because suddenly she was sitting up and dragging herself away from beneath JJ's hands, the rough calloused skin dragging against her bare legs. "He's right, JJ," she hummed, watching as John B disappeared out of sight, a murmur of conversation as he greeted Kiara and Pope in the adjacent rooms.

"Yeah, but is it really that bad if they find out?" He asked, pushed up on his hands and out from beneath the thin sheet, coming to sit beside her, hands sliding over the smooth, bare skin of her thighs. "Do you care if they find out?" His head tilted. "You embarrassed of me?"

"Yep." Evie replied without hesitation. "You know, I don't hang out with you every day, know you better than I know anyone and trust you implicitly or anything."

"You're embarassed of me." JJ reached for her waist and arm wrapped tight around it, head resting on her chest and pushing her down into the mattress. "I don't care... Would never care." He added in the kind of voice that made him sound like he was still drunk and he almost was, the hangover still not full setting in and the lack of sleep.

It was moments like that when Evie considered whether or not it was a good idea for them to have this sort of... friendship. They were close even before, but once they disregarded the boundaries set in place by the no-pogue-on-pogue macking rule and crossed the line because, really, friends weren't supposed to kiss each other they were even quicker to trust each other. A friends with benefits situation wasn't supposed to have so many feelings involved, really, but Evie and JJ had grown not to care because neither of them enjoyed the serious conversations such a predicament between them ensured and had just... ignored the ideas that perhaps this would all be a bit too complicated.

Because moments like this seemed to forget that they were doing all this secretly, that they most certainly not in relationship yet acted like they were and Evie just didn't know where to stop. There weren't supposed to be feelings, but there was a warmth in her stomach as he laid there and she decided it was too early to be thinking her life through and instead relaxed.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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