God Themselves by Jae Nichelle

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5/5 stars

God Themselves by Jae Nichelle celebrates and explores queerness, blackness, and love.

What I liked:

Jae Nichelle may be my new favorite poet. I greatly admire and appreciate her experimental use of form with many of her poems. Each was refreshing and powerful. Often in poetry books, I'll have a couple poems here and there I like, but the rest don't elicit such a strong emotional impact. For Nichelle's poetry, that wasn't the case. I fell in love with so many of her poems, a few of my many favorites being 'Done in the Dark,' 'prayer as edited by uncle ruckus,' 'Sci-fi with Black Lead,' 'I Imagine Joy,' 'This Is About Nakedness,' and 'A Book Reminds Me I've Known Joy.'

What I didn't like:

I genuinely have nothing negative to say. God Themselves is the first poetry book to fully capture my attention—and keep me captivated throughout—in a while.


I will be following Jae Nichelle and continue to be on the lookout for more of her works. I'm excited to see what she comes up with next. For those with a love for poetry and interesting, experimental styles, I recommend checking out God Themselves.

*I received an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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