Chapter 7- Who I was before

Start from the beginning

As the older of the two, he felt compelled to protect Bahiyyih, hold her so that no one could hurt her. But as the issues with his father kept going he watched both himself and her getting worse.

He watched as he failed to Bahiyyih over and over, watching as she slowly broke beneath the wrath of their father.

One afternoon he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The wrong people with the wrong influences.


Just a fun little kick, and it had been.

Every few days after school, Kai and his friends would go down to the local park between the trees and share a few blunts.nothing extreme.

Well, for his friends that was.

Kai took a liking to the substance, the feeling of lightness and freedom it gave him became too much, too desirable.

It was all fun and games, a little escape before it took its toll.

Let me set the scene for you.

A Friday evening in November. The evening it took its toll.

It had been a week since Kai and his friends had been out smoking.

It wasn't that Kai had become addicted per say, he just liked it a little…too much.

Without it he felt unnumbed. He had to go through his daily life without escape, watching as him and his sister became frames of their previous selves.

He decided to go alone that day, his friends turning him down because of how cold it was, but that didn't bother Kai.

He wanted to feel that escape, the ease he felt when he got the kick that he so desperately wanted.

Deep inside he knew it was irresponsible but he couldn’t help it. The yearn for that release of tension was running too high for him to fight off.

Kai had never rolled before, he always took what others gave him but the lack of experience created its issues.

Too much? Too little? He just didn't know.

After his first full blunt Kai waited, shortly hit with the effects that he so desired.

There's something different about drugs when you're alone.

There's no one to look after you, nor tell you to stop and as for Kai…one just wasn't enough.

5 milligrams is all a beginner should go for, the lack of tolerance evident immediately.

Kai smoked 10 milligrams within half an hour.

The effects followed on about 30 minutes to an hour later but Kai didn't want to wait.

He smoked another 5 milligrams, only for 10 minutes later felt as if the world was caving in on him.

His head whirled around, his vision distorting as he tried to make head nor tail of it.

Of course, he started to make his way home as it got darker and colder, not bothering to attempt sobering up.

Mistake number one

It was as if he forgot completely how his life was back home and when his father saw this, let's say, it wasn't a pretty sight.

Kai walked through his front door, eyes wide and laced with red, his skin pale but burning. He stumbled around as if he were drunk, his vision not allowing him to walk straight.

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