what point is there to life but sin?

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what makes someone human?

what is the thing that separates human beings from wild beasts. what is the one characteristic that reassurances someone they are, in fact, human?

many would say kindness or empathy.
- to that they couldn't be more terribly wrong.

because in all truth, humans are nothing but ugly selfish creatures built and made for sin. yet some feel remorse for the one thing that makes them human. so scared for punishment and riddled with guilt they run to a god who never listens to forgive then for falling to temptation, to sin- to their humanity.

"oh, forgive me god for i have sinned!"

"forgive me lord for i have fallen down the path of temptation"

"i have been lead astray from the path of righteous, i ask you forgive me!"

but why ask for forgiveness?

what point is there to it, really.

why ask some deity to forgive you for the one thing that makes you human?

in that case, isn't life itself a sin? isn't the very fact that you are breathing right now, living and existing an act of sin itself?

(living itself is a sin. a shame. a humiliation. a punishment.)

if so, your only redemption is to take your life away! your only salvation: to free yourself from sin-your humanity- is death.

because what point is there to life but sin? why else would we be here.

if humans are made for and to sin, what would be so wrong to willingly fall to temptation, to swim and drown freely in your guilty pleasures!? what would be so wrong with that.

"because it is wrong!" y/n would argue as the urges grew more and more violent and consuming everyday. "because it is simply not right."

the papaya with it's glossy peachy orange skin sat on the table. around it the other fruits your mother had bought.

it started as an innocent curiosity, soon morphing into a much dark and twisted desire. a truly perverted thing.

"how would it feel if i fucked a papaya" was the thought. a silly thought one doesn't spare much attention to. everyone has them!

but that silly unimportant thought returned from time to time to poor little y/n's head, tormenting and riddling him with something close to shame and guilt.

the devil laughed and laughed, tears of mirth welling up in his eyes. oh what a truly wonderful sight! nothing as fun as watching someone become a prisoner in their own mind, tormented with their own thoughts.

soon the horny sinner caved in, only a little. he searched up videos of what he has been curious for days. 'papaya fucking'

he couldn't help but wonder if it felt that pleasure from the grunts and moans. it was an erotic sight, his cock twitched with need in his pants.

after watching such dirty videos, realization as bitter as cold icy water dawn on him. riddled with shame he deleted all trace of ever searching such things up.

but snippets of those videos replayed in his mind. he twisted and turned in bed with a cold sweat. those thoughts, turning into urges. dangerous ones.

and maybe society would be more understandle if y/n's dark twisted thoughts would have been violent, murderous ones. "everyone has them sometimes" someone would say. "it's normal" another one will defend.

but if y/n spoke of what was swirling in his mind right now, of the shameful urges he was having, society will recoil in disgust and drive him away.





society is anything but fair.

people like to say that "curiosity killed the cat" -a warning. "but satisfaction brought it back" others finish.

y/n wondered if he did this thing, succumbed to his filthy desires, would they stop tormenting him? or would the shame be too great that even satisfaction won't be able to erase it.

would he have to repent to god then?

ask for his mercy and forgiveness. what would be his punishment? shame and torment from himself, or rejection and disgust from others?

"but who will find out" a sweet tempting voice would whisper. (if it came from inside him or an outside force, y/n wouldn't know. but he would like to think it was the voice of sin lluring him in. that way he could pretend he wasn't going half mad and loosing his head already)

who will know? they won't unless you tell.

"yes, who will know? they won't unless i tell."

no one will find out. society won't
catch a glimpse of it.

"you're right! there is no way they can find out. and if they don't know... it's as if it never happened! no sins to punish, no shames to bare."

so what is stopping you then?
you desire this, there is no outside
force telling you 'no'

"you... are right. but i still feel bad about doing it..."

it's better to live with embarrassments than regrets, i always say.

"im... im gonna do it then."

the devil truly, was having a wonderful time.

no room for doubt, curiosity and temptation really go hand in hand.

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