us in every universe

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in another universe
it's you and i sat underneath
an array of stars
that had been long dead
before the moment we even
breathed our first breath of oxygen

in another universe
it's you and i sat just in front
of a wild fire blazing high
as embers float and reach their
red and orange hands
up into the sky
yearning the touch
of the dim night

in another universe
it's you and i hand in hand
gazing down the beach
as the uncovered, raw sunlight
touches down its warm beams
to the white sand and the crystal
clear waters of the ocean

in another universe
it's you and i
sharing warm tears and cold hands
as we shiver through the night
and reaching for each other
as we say our hushed
i love you's
and fall asleep together

i'm another universe
its you and i
sharing memories
of our lives at the prime
as we rejoice the moments
we sought out the
building of our future

in another universe
it's you and i
traveling the world together
as we snap pictures
and make memories in the moment
as we share our views
with the world
and realize it's much bigger
than either of us had realized

in every universe it's just us—
it's me and you, pure, passionate
and fantasizing us
and in every universe it's you and i
that will never change
bevause our bond is stronger than anything this world can create.

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