Eddie Munson X Reader - Beat It

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"We talk. And dance. And sometimes, people sneak off to the football field to make out."

He perked up slightly at your comment. "I like the sound of that last one-"

"Usually, that one happens nearer the end of the night," you corrected, shifting a little closer to him and tucking yourself under his arm. "Besides, you have the van. Why would we go to some gross, cold field when we could go to your nice, warm van?"

He hummed softly, running his hand gently over your shoulder. "Good point," he murmured. "As long as I get to make out with you at some point tonight," he pressed on, drawing a snort of laughter out of you. 

"I promise."

He grinned, leaning down to peck your lips quickly. "Gotta pee," he confessed, his lips still brushing yours, making your face contort in disgust. "Hold this for me?" he added, placing his half-empty cup into your hand and untangling himself from you. "I'll be right back, Baby."

And then, he was hightailing across the room towards the bathrooms, leaving you stranded in the middle of the hall alone. For a moment, you were perfectly content to sway along to the music, your head bopping along. But then, you'd heard someone obnoxiously clear their throat behind you, drawing your attention. 

"No one wants you here." Your brow furrowed as you caught sight of Tommy H, looking all too pleased with himself as he watched you. "I mean, everyone puts up with you and the Freak at school because we don't get a choice, but coming to prom is something else-"

"We're just here to have fun," you uttered, fidgeting uncomfortably on the spot. 

Tommy raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, well, you're spoiling everyone else's," he told you. "And you're going to ruin all the photos. People want to remember their prom, they don't want to remember the class freaks-"

Your breath caught in your throat at the comment. Sure, you'd never been the most popular kid in school, but it had become increasingly clear that since you'd started dating Eddie a couple of years back, the 'cooler' kids had taken more notice of you. You hadn't really expected it to end up like this, though. I mean, what had you ever done to make them hate you?

"Why don't you do everyone a favour and go home?"

Your chest was tight as you bit down on the inside of your cheek, forcing yourself to maintain your calm expression to the best of your ability. But your hands were shaking, and before you could really consider what you were doing, you were headed for the door. 

You'd made it out into the hallway just as Eddie approached, his brow furrowing slightly when he spotted you. "Too loud?" he hummed, head tipping to the side. 

You shook your head, swallowing down the lump in your throat and trying to stop the tears that had formed on your lash line from flowing. 

"Baby?" You sniffled slightly and his expression hardened slightly. "Are you crying?"

"No," you uttered, but your voice was thick with emotion, immediately up ending your lie.

"What happened?"

"Nothing," you started, clearing your throat and trying your best to wipe away the handful of tears from your face without ruining your makeup. "How about we head out to the van now and-"

Eddie's furrowed brows and concerned expression were enough to stop you from talking altogether. 

"What happened?" he repeated.

You hesitated for a moment. "Tommy H said we were ruining prom for everyone else by showing up," you murmured, your tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip. "It was stupid-"

"What an asshole," he bit out. "This is your prom too."

"Eddie, it doesn't matter-"

"Yes, it does," he interrupted you, jaw tight as he craned his neck to look through the little glass window on the gym door, searching the crowd silently. He paused for a moment, his attention straying back to you. "You deserve to have a fantastic fucking prom," he told you. "And that asshole ruined that for you and now you're upset."

You shook your head. "Eddie, I'm fine."

"You're crying," he muttered. "On prom night." He shifted on the spot for a moment, as if considering his next action. "I'll be right back, Baby."

"Where are you going?"

"I'll just be a second," he repeated, moving past you towards the door and shoving it open, leaving you in a daze for a moment before you hurried to follow him. 

Eddie moved across the hall in long strides, headed straight towards where Tommy was standing with a bunch of the basketball team. 

"Hey Hagan," he uttered, clapping him roughly on the shoulders and turning him around. "You got something to say to me?"

Tommy's eyes darted over to you as you finally reached them, your hand lingering on Eddie's elbow. "Setting the big, bad guard dog on me?" he uttered, watching you swallow down your nerves. 

"Eddie let's just go," you murmured, watching as his attention flickered down to you for a second, seeing the dejected look on your features. Fuck. You'd been so excited for tonight and now everything was ruined. 

"Listen to your little, freak whore-"

Tommy didn't have the chance to finish his statement before Eddie's hand wrapped itself into the collar of his posh button-down shirt, moving him backwards a couple of paces until he was pressed up against the wall.

"Apologise," he bit, his grip tightening on Tommy's collar. "Now," he added, his voice a deep growl. 

"Eddie-" you uttered, all too aware of every set of eyes in the room watching the interaction. "Just let it go," you added softly. 

"Not until this little prick apologises," he murmured, pushing him against the wall a little harder. "Come on, it's not a hard word. You can do it," he pressed on, attention fully focused on Tommy, who glanced over at you as if to beg for your help. "What? Mommy and Daddy never taught you how to say 'sorry'?"

Tommy hesitated for a moment, eyes darting up to look at Eddie. "Sorry."

"Not me," Eddie corrected. "Y/N."

"I'm sorry," he uttered, his hands scrambling against Eddie's at his throat. "I'm sorry, just let me go, Man."

Eddie held him still for another second, letting Tommy wallow in the feeling of panic that had clearly begun to set in. And then, he released him. "See, not so hard, was it?" he hummed. "If you ever talk to her like that again, I'll kill you," he added, straightening out the collar of Tommy's shirt and offering him a rather unsettling smile. "See you around, Hagan."

Eddie span, flinging his arm around your shoulder and steering you towards the exit of the gym. 

"You didn't have to do that," you murmured as he lead you towards the van, unlocking it and helping you up into the passenger seat.

"Yeah, I did," he uttered, reaching up to cup your cheek lightly, brushing away the few stray tears that were still lingering on your lash line. "No one gets to hurt you like that," he added, leaning in to kiss you quickly. 

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