75.) i am the enemy

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I was handed a blade from birth,
ruby-studded, slim and sharp.
But I've always known my worth,
so I didn't let who it was indented for strike me like the chords of a harp.

I walked out into the storm, rain on my cheeks like tears.
There was something in the air, wrong and broken.
But the target saw my intentions like clairvoyant seers.
I had not used my voice yet they all stared at me as though I had spoken.

Before I could take a step further,
I had realised I had already hurt someone.
In horror, I froze, blood on the floor as I heard cries from father.
I had stabbed myself, the blade stuck in my stomach, feeling like a thousand thought it was one.

So I fell to the ground and bled.
Contradictory, nonsensical thoughts spiralling through my head.

I try to rise but I fall again.
Soon I lost track of how or when.

I died that day, in the storm.
Legend says, my ghost still roams.
Over gold sands, over sea foams.
I was lost all those years but now I have finally came home.
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Shards of Sugar (Poetry Book Three)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें