Meeting that "young girl"

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When I opened my eyes, I saw that I was in a forest. Wait......... I WAS IN A FOREST!?!? "How the hell did I get here!?!" I thought. "I was just in my apartment a few minutes ago and now I'm in a forest." I started to think how I some how managed to get here. Then, I came up with something.

"This must be a dream!!" So I pinched my arm........... but I didn't wake up. "What the hell!!!!" I shouted. "So if this isn't a dream then how did I just get here? Harry Potter didn't just show up and teleported me somewhere!!" I decided that the best thing to do is to explore the forest that I somehow appeared in.

*Time skip*

I walked around for what seemed like hours until I finally heard some noise up ahead. I haven't even bothered to take a break. I was apparently in some comfortable clothes so I wasn't worried much. I did exercise a lot and trained my body to be strong so I can handle this.

Finally, I reached where the noise was being made. I heard some things being punched and broken. "What is going on over there?" I asked myself. I decided to be James Bond and spy on whatever was going on. I hid in a near by bush and I couldn't believe what I saw.

There, punching trees and rocks was a blonde girl with pigtails in a pink dress. And if you don't have a clue who I'm talking about, it's Bisky. I just stood there in shock as I saw the "little girl" training. My breathing started to go faster and faster. "This can't be happening!! I'm seeing things. This is just all a dream." I said to myself. I pinched my arm again until I could see it start to bleed. If this isn't a dream then........... I'm actually in the Hunter X Hunter world.

Soooooooo many things were processing in my mind right now that I started to get dizzy. "This is crazy!! How in the world can I be in the HXH world!?! It's impossible to be here. I can't believe that my dreams and wishes finally came true!! If I'm in this world then I get to meet everyone!!" I was mostly happy that I was here but I was also a bit confused. Happy because I get to leave everything that has happened in the real world and confused because I have no idea how I got here. Anyways, I started to calm down and was breathing normally again. I just began to day dream about what can possibly happen to me here that I didn't even realize a certain someone found me.

"Well hello there!! May I ask you how you got here?" Bisky said.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" I screamed. "How did you find me?!?" I shouted.

"I heard some heavy breathing and followed that sound until it led me here. Now answer my question, how did you get here?" She asked.

"Even though it may sound weird, I have no clue," I responded honestly.

"What do you mean you have no idea how you got here?" Bisky asked.

"............. It's complicated," I replied. I wasn't sure whether or not to tell her that I'm not from here.

"I can handle complicated," She said.

"Okay............. But you might not believe me."

"That's okay. From the looks of it, you look like a person I can trust and rely on. Before you start, what's your name?"

"I'm (F/N), (F/N) (L/N). Nice to you meet you!!" I said, pulling out my hand for a shake.

"Well I'm Biscuit Krueger but you can call me Bisky," Biscuit said as she shaked my hand.

"I already know that Bisky." I thought as she lead me to where she was training. "But I better not bring that up. As well is the fact that this is an anime and all that stuff. But in order to understand how I got here, I need to tell her everything. Even if it includes all those things."

"(F/N), I think it's a good idea if you start your story," Bisky said.

"Okay. This might be the most craziest thing you will ever hear but......" Then I told her everything. How I was in my apartment getting ready for bed. How this is an anime world according to where I live. My dream of going into the HXH world and meeting Gon, Kurapika, Leorio, and Killua. My crush on Killua. All of those things. Of course, the only thing I didn't tell her was my past (and yes, you do have a background story but you will figure that out as the story goes on). When I finished explaining everything, all I saw was a confused and shocked Bisky.

"Wow!! I can't believe it!!" Bisky exclaimed. "According to your world, our world is an anime called Hunter X Hunter and you someone got into it? I'm pretty confused."

"Yeah.......... I'm sorry your brain had to process all that information," I said.

"That's okay. Speaking of information, from the looks of what you have told me, those four people you mentioned sound pretty nice to me. Especially that Killua boy hmmmmm?" Bisky said while wiggling here eyebrows.

I started to blush. "Well, a girls got to have a crush on someone in her life am I right? You should have been through that considering you being 57 huh Bisky?" I responded back.

"Yes (F/N), I have been through those things and I know how it feels. I know way more of life than you do and you still have many many more things to learn in life. That's why I have something important to ask you," Bisky said.

"And that is....."

"Would you like me to take care of you?" Bisky said with a smile on her face.

I couldn't believe it!! Bisky just asked me if she wanted to take care of me!! This is a dream come true!!

"I would totally love that!!" I exclaimed.

I went over to her and hugged her. She was a bit surprised with the sudden act but she hugged back.

"I think it's a good idea if we head back to my house and get you settled in," Bisky said as she broke the hug.

"Okay!!" I said all cheerful.

Bisky and I packed up what she brought and started to head out of the forest. Soon, we got out of the forest and saw the city up ahead.

"Nee Bisky, where are we exactly?" I asked the blonde.

"We are in Yorknew City," Bisky responded.

"This is where Killua, Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika promised to meet at for the auction!!" I thought.

*Time skip*

After walking for about an hour or more, Bisky and I settled upon Bisky's house. It was a two story house (even though she lived alone) and it was a white color with some orange on it. It had a white fence surrounding it and a couple of daisies blooming in the grass Bisky had growing in front of her house.

"This place looks really nice Bisky!!" I said. "It must have cost you a lot."

"It was suppose too but a friend of mine lowered the price until it was at an amount that I can pay for," said Bisky.

Bisky and I walked up to the door and Bisky opened it with her key.

"Welcome to your new home (F/N)!!"

And that's a wrap to chapter 2!! I wanna say thank you sooooo much for everyone who has voted, read, and added this story to your reading list!!! It touches my heart to see that people enjoy my story!! I made this chapter much more longer than the other one so you guys have more to read. I specifically want to thank and dedicate this chapter to Arisa_Zicara and WookieTheBeater . Arisa was really nice towards me and complimented me on my story. I wasn't very sure on this idea for this chapter but she told me to try it and that made me feel happy. Wookie has been such an amazing friend towards me and keeps a smile on my face all the time. These two girls made me happy and they deserve all the love they have given me towards them so I wanna say thanks soooooooo much you two and everyone else out there.
Love you all!!

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