'Such a animal' my subconscious huffed.

"We....we will get late" I said while taking deep breaths. He groaned but grabbed my hand and guided ourselves downstairs.

We went to his grand car. He opened the passenger side door for me. He started driving. After few moments, he intertwined his right hand with my left hand and kissed it.

We reached a beautiful mansion. It was even bigger than Louis's but not compared to the main House of knight's castle . It was beautifully lighted and decorated. Louis  wrapped his arm around my waist and whispered "Don't leave my side and don't talk to anyone. Only if I say, then you'll interact with them. Am I clear?". I gulped down and nodded my head while saying

"Crystal clear".

When we entered the main hall, all people stopped talking and looked at us. I squirmed under their gaze. Some were looking awestruck, while some were looking with envy. When Louis cleared his throat, all people averted their eyes and resume what they were doing. One old man, slightly looking like Louis , came towards us and greeted us

"Son. So you decided to come huh". His uncle rudely scorned. Then he looked at me in disgust and for formality, stretched out his arm for me to shake and said "I'm Sean Watson. Uncle to Louis " I blinked at him. I was confused with his behavior.

'Why is he so rude? And again, how can he be Watson , when LOUIS is Knight??'

It really felt weird because he was looking at me with disgust filled eyes. I dropped my eyes to the ground feeling uncomfortable.

"Isn't she is too young for you Louis ? I thought you will marry a woman. Not a little naive girl" he again rudely said in a hateful tone.

"If you are done judging my wife, then get out of my sight. I don't need your ion. Anna is now my wife, so respect her" Louis hissed at him, tightening his grip on me and walking away. I was shocked with his bluntness. After we walked passed his uncle , I looked up at Louis to find him clenching his jaw tightly in anger and why no knight's family are not available here .

  His eyes shows fury. He was shaking in anger. He direct us to bar, where he grabbed a drink and drank it furiously. I was scared but I knew I've to do something. I lift my hand and cupped his jaw. He looked at me with those dangerous eyes. I gulped down but didn't loosen my grip.

"Everything's fine" I said in a soft tone. His eyes softened up immediately. He pulled me close and hugged me tightly. He inhaled my scent.

'I told you he is a animal' my subconscious huffed again.

I wrapped my arms around his torso and he relaxed under my touch, almost instantly. After few minutes, someone cleared his throat. I jumped at the sound and pushed Lucifer. But he only groaned. Again I heard someone chuckling. Louis sighed heavily and said in a annoyed tone .

"What the hell do you want". Thankfully, he released me this time. I turned to see who was the man. The man was grinning like a fool while watching us. I tilted my head slightly in confusion.

"Did I disturbed the two love birds?" He said. I blushed. He looked at me and winked. My eyes widened up.

'How can he do it while Louis's here?' "Sebastian" Louis hissed angrily. But the man laughed again.

"Man, you are whipped" he said while smiling. He came towards me and introduced himself "My queen, let me introduce myself. I'm Sebastian . I'm the right hand of Louis  and also his best friend".

I smiled at him. LOUIS  and Sebastian started talking about something while I drank my juice.

Suddenly a woman came, wearing ashort dress. She was around 40's. But she was beautiful. She walked towards us in elegance.

"And the bitch is here" I heard Sebastian said under his breath. He looked annoyed. While Louis looked like he wanted to murder that lady. "Good gracious. Aren't you are a beauty darling. No wonder why Louis's is so protective about you" she said. Even though she was complementing me, her tone was bitter. She looked at me with jealousy and envy. I only smiled at her.

"Ohh Louis. Can't she talk? You married a dumb little girl??" She scorned. My eyes filled with tears instantly due to her insult, so I looked down. I was just following Louis's wish .

"She can talk. In fact, she has a beautiful voice. But she don't want to waste her voice and energy talking to a woman like you" Louis snapped at her and tighten his hold on me. Sebastian laughed but when the woman glared at him, he covered it with coughing. The woman was looking furious but then, she smiled very very sweetly and introduced herself,"I'm Sofia Watson. Louis' s aunty "Step- aunty " Sebastian scoffed under his breath. Mrs Watson heard that surely but she ignored him and continued "Sorry for our absence in your wedding. My husband and I were quite busy".

I gave her a tight smile. Then she excused herself and walked away.

"I hate that bitch" Louis sighed angrily while pinching his nosebridge.

"The feeling is mutual" Sebastian said under his breath.After talking with Sebastian for sometime, Louis  take me to meet other guest. I was only smiling and nodding with occasional short answers. As I said earlier, some of them were awestruck, who greeted us politely, while others were full of envy. Mostly, women were throwing daggers at me while eyeing Louis .

About men??? Well, some men were looking at me with lustful eyes while others with adoration.

Louis snapped at everyone who would cross the limits. He glared at those who were eye raping me. And as promised, I didn't leave his side.

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