It was cowardly, he knows. But he's never felt so much joy and uncertainty for someone like this before, he's never held....romantic feelings like this for someone before. What is it that even captivates him about her?

No. Maybe he shouldn't answer that. There'd be too many things to list down,  and that could honestly go on forever.

His pondering was interrupted when his younger's head popped into view, a sharpie in his hand.


" Oh." His face turns to disappointment. " You're awake." He said.

" You were going to draw a d**k on my face, weren't you?"

" I was going to draw a d**k on your face, yes." He nods, shameless in confirmation.

I chuckled at his antics before slowly sitting up. My headache had lessened, which I was grateful for since the world didn't seem like vertigo anymore.

" I made dinner." Seiji gestures to the table. " You should eat before taking medicine."

" What about you?"

" I already ate." He answered before taking the blanket from my hands and folding it neatly. " I'll keep away the stuff."

" No, let me--"

" Brother, you're sick. Just go eat already." He insisted, and I sighed.

No use fighting with him on this since he's right.





" Did you take the medicine?" He asked me, and I nodded.

" All right, you should rest again or something. I'll do the dishes." He says, walking past me.

I stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder. He turns to me.

" Can't I at least do the dishes?" I frowned. " You've been taking care of me for the past few days, and that doesn't sit right with me."

" You shouldn't worry about that." He says.

" Is it because you get to skip school?" I raised a brow.

" Yes." He answers with a grin. I held back a chuckle at that.

" C'mon. It doesn't paint a good picture if a big brother lets his baby brother do all the chores." His face shifts to disgust upon hearing me call him that, and I saw that as the chance to move him aside while he's distracted.

" Don't ever call me baby brother again." I hear him seethe behind me.

" You'll always be my baby brother~" I teased. And I can hear grumbling from his end without having to turn around.

While I was washing the dishes and humming to myself, I hear him speak.

" I can see why you've fallen deep for Gotou-san." He said.

I paused.

" ...That so?" I continued, this time at a more slow pace with the dishwashing.

" She's funny." He comments. " And she's kind."

" That's the best a man could ask for when it comes to a girl." He says.

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